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Trouble making PSX Eboots
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16. September 2008 @ 18:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello everyone,

I have a couple of different issues. First, I have several EBOOT.PBPs that I would like to change the icons and images. From what I find out searching the forums and net there is no way of injecting new files in to the EBOOT.PBP. So I followed the instructions for extracting the ISO from the EBOOT.PBP and rebuild the EBOOT.PBP. Now, here is the problem, I've used both 'Impaler's PSX eBoot Creator' and 'IceTea 1.3'. When I recreate the EBOOT.PBP with 'Impaler's PSX eBoot Creator', I get the error "Cannot open BASE.PBP". The original EBOOT.PBPs work fine, I just don't like the icon and background images, that's the reason for trying to rebuild the EBOOTs. Neither programs rebuilds the files correctly. The first game, "Gran Turismo" builds under IceTea ok, but hangs after the notice screen. The other game is "Abe's Oddysee" and it has sound drop-outs during video cut sceens. Both originals work perfectly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Second issue is with 'Impaler's PSX eBoot Creator' and MGS1, I made the ISOs with no trouble, and it build the EBOOT fine as well. When I go to play it the sound constantly stutters. My specs are as follows: Slim PSP with CFW 4.01M33-2, CPU is clocked to 333/166 and memory card is a 2 gig Sandisk. My PC is Vista.

Again thanks for the help in advance.

David > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > trouble making psx eboots

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