OK, so I didn't think it was necessary to create a new thread, so.. I have a phat PSP on 4.01 M33-2, and when I try to run DGEN, it gets an error. I put the two DGEN folders in PSP/GAME150 and switched to the 1.50 kernel, but it just won't work.
OK, so I got DGEN to work now, I figured out my problem. But when I load Streets of Rage 3, I can't get Start button to work. other games' Start works, but in SoR 3, I can't even get past the title screen because the Start button won't work.
Originally posted by beany123: good to hear you got it working...
do you have any lag when flicking through the menu options?
No, I don't think I've encountered any lag yet, except in some games' sound. The main problem I'm having is that when I have six button controls on in SoR3, none of the buttons work, except for L. When it's on three button control though, it works fine, except for the ability to use X,Y, and Z (of course). If someone could try Streets of Rage 3 and try to figure out the problem, it would be appreciated.