I'm new to forums so give me break if this is a newbie question:
Why does it say EvoX in a red triangle on the top left hand side of my xbox (original) when I start it up? This only ever happens when I hold the power button down for 3 secs as I boot the xbox.
I have instinctively googled it to find Evolution X as a sort of mod for xbox, it tells me how to install it, but not how to use it.
I bought my xbox second hand so it wasn't me who modded it, although I would like to know what it does and how use it
the reason why it says evox is cuz you are running the Evox BIOS...When you boot it like that you are able to read burnt games...You dont really need to know how to use it...all you got to do is hold down the power button like you usually do, put in a burnt game and play!
Because you have a modded xbox, you can customize the menus, put emulators,roms, games in your harddrive, rip games, and much much more!
(PS: Dont confuse the "Evox BIOS" with the "Evox DASHBOARD". Both are named the same but are two completely different things. A BIOS tells your box how to work while a dashboard is the main menu you will see when you first boot your xbox)
Thank You, this is great news
I was getting mixed up with the dashboard, I tried to access it by holding the buttons and stuff but nothing came up so now I know why
Thank You Very Much