DirectX Diagnostic Tool Troubleshooting
1. October 2008 @ 04:45 |
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I have a problem with my DirectX.
After i rebooted my pc, i couldn't play games, i ran DXDIAG and my DirectX Diagnostic Tool and it came up:
DirectDraw Acceleration: Not Available
Direct 3D Acceleration: Not Available
AGP Texture Acceleration: Not Available
Senior Member
2. October 2008 @ 13:21 |
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check you have installed your drivers correctly
I'm assuming you mean you have formatted and reinstalled your operating system
i7 3770 12GB ram terrabyte sata drive 1 750Gb sata drive 285GTX graphics Sony dvdwriter same NZXT Nemesis case
Still playing Black Hawk Down why did I upgrade?
Junior Member
3. October 2008 @ 00:35 |
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Try reinstalling dx or updating it.
26. October 2008 @ 11:13 |
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Yes, i reinstalled my operating system and I've reinstalled Direct x.
26. October 2008 @ 12:51 |
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I've done a more thorough search of my pc. I thought about it and tried re-installing my video card, but when i looked at my components, i cannot find the name. According to device manager, i have no Display Adapters installed whatsoever!
Junior Member
29. October 2008 @ 22:58 |
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Two thing first what is your graphics card and did you try going to device manager and having it scan for new plug and play hardware?
30. October 2008 @ 08:09 |
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I had an idea this morning.
I installed an Nvidia GeForce 2 MX graphics card in it from my old pc, it worked fine and the problem was solved, but after about two hours the screen went all fuzzy and kept blinking on and off.
So i uninstalled it, and the direct x problem came up once again.
My Pc used to run games but it just suddenly doesn't and this problem is really frustrating me
30. October 2008 @ 08:25 |
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also forgot to mention, yes, i did go to device manager and scan for new hardware and nothing comes up, i don't think i have a graphics card cause all that i can see is a purple box where the graphics card should be, but...the games that wont run on my pc, won't anymore
Junior Member
30. October 2008 @ 20:23 |
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Well the old graphics card that you installed didn't work most likely because of old ramdacs which can cause fuzziness and instability. Bu that still doesn't answer what gpu did you have when the problem occurred or were you using a built in one and if so what is your mobo?
2. November 2008 @ 12:12 |
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yeah it was a built in one and....
what's a mobo?
I took an IT Practitioning course and i can't believe i have no idea how to fix this xD
I think it's just a matter of finding buying a new graphics card, which i might just bloody do
AfterDawn Addict
2. November 2008 @ 18:53 |
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Originally posted by Thommyy: yeah it was a built in one and....
what's a mobo?
I took an IT Practitioning course and i can't believe i have no idea how to fix this xD
I think it's just a matter of finding buying a new graphics card, which i might just bloody do
You need to ask a friend, or family member, who knows something about computers, to help you.
Life is good!
GrandpaBruce - Vietnam Vet - 1970 - 1971
Computer: Intel Core i7-920 Nehalim;Asus P6T Deluxe V2
2. November 2008 @ 19:21 |
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i 2nd what bruce said as you did not learn anything at that it course. your videocard crapped out so get a new one but not a pcie/x 16 as you don't have that slot on your motherboard. does your motherboard(mb or mobo) have an agp slot or just pci slots? what is the make & model# of the computer or motherboard?
3. November 2008 @ 11:59 |
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i dont know but i do have the slots, what's weirder, a message came up earlier saying "found new hardware - VGA Controller" I tried installing looking for drivers but now my windows update is playing up, it wont let me enable it in the services. I click start and it says that no associated services are enabled, but the Background Intelligent Transfer thing is enabled and so is event log.
Where could i download the things i need for the vga controller
3. November 2008 @ 12:05 |
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sorry it said Video Controller - VGA compatible
Junior Member
12. November 2008 @ 23:29 |
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Video Controller - VGA compatible is the name windows gives graphics cards if only generic drivers are installed. Try going to nvidia and downloading the drivers for your card. If you don't know what exact card you have try the auto detect feature.