no sir, a lot of people including me have wanted to put windows xp or better on there PSP and i thought it may be a good idea to try it and see if it works IE: downloading and compressing windows iso and mounting it on psp
not to be rude. But, that won't work due to the PSPRAM, CPU and other stuff. The only OS that can be run is windows 95 and it lags like crazy.
Sorry, to ruin your ideas. Also, just because it is in a ISO format doesn't mean it can run it. Its like saying it can run ps2,xbox games since they are in ISO format.
a whole lot would be out of it, especially drivers.
you would have to compile a whole lot of drivers, and rewrite the whole OS so it runs on the psp. but even then, with 32/64megs of ram and a max of 333mhz on the processor, you wouldn't be able to run anything.
at most, you can run linux, which has been done already. or you can run pspwxp portal.
looks like more snags then i thought :-/
you mentioned Linux? any chance Backtrack 1,2,or 3 can run? oh and btw thanks you werent rude i just didnt think (typical for me,anyway)