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troubles with 5.00 m33-2
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7. November 2008 @ 19:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey there, i use to be a huge psp homebrew fan about a year ago... so i know how most of this stuff works and all the terms and blah blah... but im having problems...

this is what happen... awhile ago i upgraded my psp to 3.9 m33 firmware and everuthing was good... well when i got around to gettin back in the psp scene, i remembered that the m33 firmwares had the "update" button workable even with customized firmware... so i updated to the newest firmware... 5.00 m33... nothing worked like it use to, so i looked around and found a 5.00 m33-2 update that claimed it helped alot of the homebrew aps to work on this firmware.. well i installed the update, and i still have problems... i dunno whats goin on... first thing i noticed was my cxmb menu dont work on this version, my irshell doesnt work since ahman hasnt/and probably wont, upgrade irshell to work on these versions.. which sux, cuz i was a huge nethost fan... neways, what should i do, or am i doing somethin wrong that i can fix?

if this version doesnt work good with them, should i downgrade back to the old firmware? can i downgrade from this version? and btw, i do have a working pandora battery, so hopefully that helps...

i really hope some one can help me on this, and i appologize if i am repeating questions that have been already answered, but it seems like i spend hours lookin for answers sometimes, and i dont have hours to look around for them, lol... thanx in advance!
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7. November 2008 @ 20:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok well first you need to do one more updated via the network update to firmware 5.00 m33-3 as it fixes more problems and as for cxmb there is a new version 3.3 and you can get the link in my signature as well as the new popsloader for 5.00 m33-3 for loading psx games better and for nethost/usbhost you need the new hostcore and for anything else you need to update for 5.00 m33-3 goto also you should look into custom firmware extender as it has usb host, remotjoylite, screen shots, music.prx and more and xplora is a decent replacement for irshell though i dont think it has its adhoc file transfer but ill have to look into that

PSPVC 3.50: click here IRShell 4.91: click here POPSloaders Pack: click here & Compatibility List Hellcats Recovery Flasher: click here
ChickHen R2 & CFW 5.03GEN-A Pandora Battery: Hellcats Pandora Installer or you can buy it from (here, here or here)
Magic Memory Stick: WinXP use Pandora Deluxe or PSP Grader v008 Vista use TOTALNewbi easyInstaller LEDA Homebrew Loader: click here
Top Guides: click here Official Firmware: click here Custom Firmware: click here Music: GAMEMusicGearMX with 1,000s of songs Emulators: click here
8. November 2008 @ 17:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok im updated to m33-3 now, and i cant get the 3.3 cxmb to work, i have enabled it and i go to pick a theme, apply, psp shuts off, and then comes back up with a yellow background with normal icons the traditional way... is there somethin small im missin?

what do you mean i need a new hostcore? can i just replace somethin on the old ir shell to get it to work? or do i need to find a whole new ap?

and btw, firmware extender remotejoylite? ive heard of this, but not sure what it is...
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8. November 2008 @ 18:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
most of irshell stopped working on 3.90 and on 5.00 probably even more stopped working if it even loads and as far as i know there are no new patches for it so i would suggest downloading the latest hostcore since its way faster now compared to the irshell version anyway so check for later versions of the plugins you want to use.

remotejoylite lets you put your psp display on your pc monitor or capture pictures/video to your computer, and custom firmware extender has other plugins and settings it can adjust and since its all in one .prx it helps save space since you can only have 5 or so maximum plugins per vsh, pops and game anyway.

is every theme restarting the psp? you may have to reset your flash 1 in recovery menu and deactivate all your old plugins that could be interfering with the new cxmb

PSPVC 3.50: click here IRShell 4.91: click here POPSloaders Pack: click here & Compatibility List Hellcats Recovery Flasher: click here
ChickHen R2 & CFW 5.03GEN-A Pandora Battery: Hellcats Pandora Installer or you can buy it from (here, here or here)
Magic Memory Stick: WinXP use Pandora Deluxe or PSP Grader v008 Vista use TOTALNewbi easyInstaller LEDA Homebrew Loader: click here
Top Guides: click here Official Firmware: click here Custom Firmware: click here Music: GAMEMusicGearMX with 1,000s of songs Emulators: click here
8. November 2008 @ 21:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, im just being bombarded with information from looking up so much info now, lol...

ok first things first... im trying to get the hostcore workin on my psp. Im finding it really difficult to get it workin.. this is what i have done. (or tried i should say)

Downloaded the new host server that is suppose to be on your computer running (DOS), it says the normal things as before...

I have placed that host file in a folder with the folders: MUSIC-GAME-VIDEO-PHOTO. and have placed files inside them to be "registered" when i go to recieve them from my psp...

i have setup a port forward on my router and enabled it..

and i "think" i have configured the config.txt file correctly, but im not 100 percent sure i did it right...

another thing is i think i need a update or somethin from the version of hostcore i have, but every file i get that is considered an update is a .tar file... i have no idea what that is, and i cant get it to open with any program i have currently installed on my computer. I actually might be goin crazy, so thanx for helpin the crazy guy.
9. November 2008 @ 01:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i figured out the whole .tar thing.. they are just another format for zipped files? anyways, i got it to unzip the tar file and it was a hostcore folder with im assuming "updated files" in it.. so i transfered it over to my mem stick and replaced the old hostcore folder... anyways, i still cant get nethost to work.. i had it workin once, and then i went out and back in, but nothin, and nothin since... under the config file i have placed my ip address, which is

i have port forwarded my router to the 7513 port...

and i kept everything else the same.. which is the number of your psp connection "1"

password as "12345678"


wifi transfer block size block "2048"

saved all that, and tried to connect by pressing that note key and then switchin it to wifi... it blinks for abit, then stays lit up.. nothing on my dos host program indicates a connection, but my psp just freezes up. as if its on, but cant do anything on it...

i have no idea what i need to do to fix this... do i have to change the number of the psp connection entry connection... or somethin?

am i suppose to be putting my routers password in there?

thanx for the help though, i appreciate it
Senior Member

1 product review
9. November 2008 @ 02:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
aew you sure you have the latest version, there was a bug when trying ti with WPA and although i dont recommend people removing their internet security this is the only way i have been able to do hostcore wirelessly but then again i have not tried the new WPA fix either but i always use usb host anyway so try downloading this one

PSPVC 3.50: click here IRShell 4.91: click here POPSloaders Pack: click here & Compatibility List Hellcats Recovery Flasher: click here
ChickHen R2 & CFW 5.03GEN-A Pandora Battery: Hellcats Pandora Installer or you can buy it from (here, here or here)
Magic Memory Stick: WinXP use Pandora Deluxe or PSP Grader v008 Vista use TOTALNewbi easyInstaller LEDA Homebrew Loader: click here
Top Guides: click here Official Firmware: click here Custom Firmware: click here Music: GAMEMusicGearMX with 1,000s of songs Emulators: click here > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > troubles with 5.00 m33-2

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