I was searching the net for a way to remove antivirus 2009 and just got dizzy with all the confusing info about how to get rid of it. My friend suggested a website where a technician logs into your computer and cleans it for you. Has anyone used this or any other service like this? If so was it worth it? Im just sick of always trying to fix my computer I just want it to work
I can help you get rid of antivirus 2009. If you wish to, please follow the instructions below:
Before we begin the cleanup process, it is important to do a little analysis first. We will analyze your computer with a tool called HijackThis.
Please download the HijackThis zip file. Save it onto a convenient place in your computer, and then unzip the file.
Rename HijackThis(.exe) to scanner(.exe).
Next, run scanner(.exe). A window will pop up.
? Click on the button which says Main Menu, then Do a system scan and save a logfile.
? Please wait for the scan to be completed.
? After the scan has completed, a text window will pop up. Please post the contents of this window here.
This will also be located at hijackthis(.txt) in the same folder that HijackThis was originally saved.
NOTE:: Do not fix anything using HijackThis, as this may also damage legitimate components of your computer.
Life is but a dream; you dont feel any pain unless you want to or you fall off the bed. Success is relative; the more success the more relatives.
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing. To be or not to be; thats a dumb question.