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Majoras Mask Now working on PSP*exclimation mark*
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19. November 2008 @ 17:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello I am PSPWXP, Im not sure if anyone else has ever done it but I got Majoras Mask working on my PSP Slim 5.00 M33-3! With Daedalus X64.

I have taken photos and a short movie but my SD Card Reader isnt working at the moment so I will have to wait until I get a new one.

My progress:
I have just entered clock town after several hours of cutscenes.

Heaps of missing textures
Randomly Die when you talk to the Great Fairy (I believe we cannot finish the game)
Your mask and Items and your cButtons are all Ocarina's? (except 10 deku nuts?)
No heart Icons
You cannot see the time of the day (no sun, no moon, no numbers)
Your Blue (A) Icon ALWAYS says 'Attack' it may flash stuff like 'Open' for a second or two but that is about it...
Plus more then you can count

Unlike Ocarina you can go inside all buildings and not just see green shapes... to be honest I think inside of places is the only place where ALL the textures are there.
Game runs surprisingly fast (about 4~6 FPS {which may seem slow but compare the game to Ocarina which runs about the same})
And a few more

Very slow loading times VERY SLOW
Constantly freezes
Really long cutscenes (about 4x as long)
Audio... LOL you wish so jerky you cannot even listen to it...
Missing textures appear as a solid RED colour.

The upside i guess is we did what we thought the PSP could only dream about, although this game is not really meant for Gameplay... Also I am playing on a SLIM, my PHAT broke so I only know how it goes on a slim with double the RAM of a PHAT...

Coming soon: PHOTOs VIDEO AND THE SAVED FILE!!!! (I have a custom control set aswell)

PSP: [PSP N1001 (WHITE)][6.60 PRO-B10][8GB M2]
PS VITA: [PCH 1002][1.66][16GB MEMORY CARD]
3DS: [CTR 001 (BLACK)][3.0.0-6E][2GB SD][ACEKARD 2i] > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > majoras mask now working on psp*exclimation mark*

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