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Did My Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Cause These Problems
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22. November 2008 @ 09:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, i've been trying to find the cause of some strange problems that suddenly happened to my dvd re-writer and floppy drive and many blue screens of death on my lastest pc build.

My almost new dvd re-writer wouldn't recognise any disc inserted, showed the wrong disc icon under my computer, would freeze and would not complete a burn with out errors, sometimes DMA errors, also my new floppy drive failed in the same way but would work with one old Windows 98 boot floppy disc.

Earlier i had tried a Windows repair which gave me this error, Windows Repair Error, Copy Error D:i386 migregdb.exe, please insert the Window XP installation disc etc, but it could not copy the files in question, i cancelled and continued and when i booted into windows i got this message, Problem installing, HID Non-User Input Data Filter, Error installation, Fatal Error during installation, some devices my not function properly.

When i checked i had missed a USB device and didn't unplug it before the repair, it was my Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse, could my wireless mouse or keyboard have played a part in my dvd and floppy drive problems or failure, when i googled wireless mouse problems i found one article that mentioned that a dvd drive did not work after using a LogiTech wireless mouse.

A new Windows install did not correct the problems mentioned and i sent my dvd drive for repair believing it had failed and bought a new floppy drive. One other strange thing, on my first install i could not use Windows update, every attempt at correcting the problem would not work hence another install of Windows, now everytime i tried a Windows update i only got 24 critical, 10 software and 2 optional updates show up, unless i used a pata hard drive instead of my sata, then i would get 94 critical updates show up?

After re-installing Windows for the third time because of the blue screen crashes and constant internet explorer crashes i went back to Windows update and it showed the same number of critical updates but this time one more optional update called, HID Non-User Input Data Filter, after downloading and installing this update and going back to Windows update it now showed me 94 critical updates, do you think my wireless keyboard and mouse are the cause of all these problems and also my blue screen of death crashes etc, thanks for any help.
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22. November 2008 @ 11:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow, you are having a lot of issues here. But, since you are having them with a FRESH install of windows, the first thing I would suggest to you, is check for a bios update on your motherboard. Make sure you have the latest, and then let me know how it goes.

Also, check to make sure you have the latest drivers for your motherboard. ex: SATA drivers/chipset drivers/ect.

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. November 2008 @ 11:47 > forums > pc hardware > other pc hardware > did my wireless keyboard and mouse cause these problems

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