Hi i was looking in my room when i found my old pc i started it and suddenly i had a little message saying
windows has detected spyware infection!
it is recomen...
it gos some long saying download latest spyware
i didnt have inter net on that computer so i downloaded anti virus from another computer and put it on my old one viva USB i scaned my computer nothing.
but the message keeps apearing and aweblink saying something along the lines of cant open need password
i dont know what to do is it just my old pc or is it a real virus trying to hide?
A real fast way to find out what or if it has any nasties aboard is to download (it's a freebie) Hijackthis to your usb, then install and run on that old rig of yours. At this point DO NOT fix anything at all with hijack...just post the log it generates.
Please download the HijackThis zip file. Save it onto a convenient place in your computer, and then unzip the file.
Rename HijackThis(.exe) to scanner(.exe).
Next, run scanner(.exe). A window will pop up.
? Click on the button which says Main Menu, then Do a system scan and save a logfile.
? Please wait for the scan to be completed.
? After the scan has completed, a text window will pop up. Please post the contents of this window here.
This will also be located at hijackthis(.txt) in the same folder that HijackThis was originally saved.
NOTE:: Do not fix anything using HijackThis, as this may also damage legitimate components of your computer.
Life is but a dream; you dont feel any pain unless you want to or you fall off the bed. Success is relative; the more success the more relatives.
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing. To be or not to be; thats a dumb question.