My configuration in my pc wass 3 PATA(a and b) (1(c) are from a pci adapter), and other Sata. A day I remove the HDD (c) for storage. But when I attach again, for replace one of the 2 PATA(was the a), the HDD are not recognized for the systems, when I switch again the to old state (installed again a ) the computer does not recognized, only one (b), but when i install the (c) in the socket of the (b). no one of the 3 HDD was recognized in my pc, even using USB to IDE cable or enlosured. I reset and update, and reset the BIOS. My PC have WINDOWS XP/Pentuin 4.
I install all of the HDD (a,b, and c) in a old PC Pentiun 3 w\W98se. but not one are recognized, but the HDD c was have a problem the old pc, (using correct jumper) are conflict when load the OS. The HDD c was not have Boot partition. This happens when I attach in the same IDE cable of the old HDD bootable disc. But when attach in the other IDE cable, the old pc load perfect, but in ?my computer? appear the massage ?disc in initializing? when I inspect HDD (C) physical does not run smooth, is a Seagate barracuda 7200.7 160 GB. Is like the spin motor does not run complete, in other website say that some model, have motor issue. But the other HDD (a and b) are good. But does not detect in any of the two computer. I need help!!!! Thanks in advanced.