My pc has been running weird lately. the msn messenger just logs off without my say so....i keep getting the error report to send a report to Microsoft at least 10 times a day. n now my add/remove programmer will not open for some reason plus its alot slower than usual. i was going to use the hijack application that tells u wats on ya pc but it states only to use if u no what ur doing...i don't...could someone suggest something that could help....n i cant afford a new pc if some one suggests that lol
Please download the HijackThis zip file. Save it onto a convenient place in your computer, and then unzip the file.
Rename HijackThis(.exe) to scanner(.exe).
Next, run scanner(.exe). A window will pop up.
? Click on the button which says Main Menu, then Do a system scan and save a logfile.
? Please wait for the scan to be completed.
? After the scan has completed, a text window will pop up. Please post the contents of this window here.
This will also be located at hijackthis(.txt) in the same folder that HijackThis was originally saved.
NOTE:: Do not fix anything using HijackThis, as this may also damage legitimate components of your computer.
Life is but a dream; you dont feel any pain unless you want to or you fall off the bed. Success is relative; the more success the more relatives.
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing. To be or not to be; thats a dumb question.