im having problems using the front panel audio headers to work, like the microphone and headphone jack on the front of my case (NZXT Tempest). i had a socket that i can connect to my motherboard (Gigabyte EP35 something), but im using a Creative Auudigy SE sound card. So my speakers are connected to the sound card, and that works fine, but when i use the headphone jack infront of the case, it uses the sound from the motherboard, not the sound card. so i figure i just plug the F_Audio plug in the sound card, but there is no plug for it. is there a way to get my headphone jack in the front of my case to work without using the gigabyte motherboard audio?
The Audigy SE does not include a cable or connector for that purpose. Your best option is to plug your headphones into a headphone port on your speaker controls, as they'll probably be closer to you than the back of your PC.
oh ok thanks. the headphone jack from my speakers are a little far so i have to either pull the speakers forward or lean forward to use them, while the front headphone jack on my case is a lot closer.