Does anyone know how to change the controls in Duke3dX?
I'm trying to squeeze every last drop of entertainment value out of my original Xbox. After seeing Duke Nukem 3d as a download on the Xbox 360 XLE marketplace and refusing to pay for it, I got Duke3dX running on my old Xbox. I put the duke3d.grp file in their from a pc atomic edition, and it runs fine, only I wish I could tweak the controls. Aiming up and down is not inverted, there is no quick kick, and I'd like to change the way run, crouch, and jump are set up. I tried changing the Duke3d.cfg "joystickbutton" values, but that does nothing in the game. Any help on an outdated console with a beta homebrew port would be greatly appreciated. Duke3d is the most enjoyable game I've ever played, I'd love to "kick ass and chew bubblegum" again with the right control set up (without paying Microsoft to do it).
Ah, screw it! I paid the equivalent of about $4 to download Duke3d on Live to play on my 360...and it's everything I dreamed it would be! Fully mappable controls. And there's multiplayer on Live. Last time I played Duke Multiplayer was over a modem. "Suck it down!"
Also, Puzzle Fighter II Turbo is another great Live title. That use to be hours of fun on the PS1.
Whoever ported Duke3d to the original Xbox, I tip my hat. That is awesome. Thank you. But having the right controls is crucial to enjoying the quick kick? I mean, come on...