I had using AVG Anti-Spyware (freeware version) with great success until the end of the year(2008). Thats when AVG decided to bundle the program with other products in there line up and not offer it as a separate download (As most of you many already know). I'm looking for a new program (prefably freeware) that is both lightweight and thorough. If there were any new ones to come out within the past year please tell what you thought about them.
I use the free "returnil" for my antispyware software. It's lightweight, doesn't slowdown your computer and it will defeat all known virus/spyware etc.
It places your c: drive in virtual mode instantly, anything that happens while in virtual mode i.e. if you opened a virus/spyware while in virtual mode it will be deleted during reboot.
The only way you can tell your in virtual mode is by a red icon next to the clock, otherwise windows looks and runs the same as in non-virtual mode.
Originally posted by jony218: I use the free "returnil" for my antispyware software. It's lightweight, doesn't slowdown your computer and it will defeat all known virus/spyware etc.
It places your c: drive in virtual mode instantly, anything that happens while in virtual mode i.e. if you opened a virus/spyware while in virtual mode it will be deleted during reboot.
The only way you can tell your in virtual mode is by a red icon next to the clock, otherwise windows looks and runs the same as in non-virtual mode.
Sounds very good but If its in virtual mode and I install some new programs or save some new files/folders then restart the PC will it make change (will they be deleted)? like software i remember called deep freeze?
Anything you install while in virtual mode will be deleted during restart. I use it to test programs that don't require a restart. To me this has never been a problem, and I install alot of programs.
As far as saving files/data/downloads to survive the reboot, you need to save it on another partition/hard drive or save while in unvirtual mode. If you only have 1 hard drive/partition returnil will create a "virtual partition" that you can save files, this virtual partition will survive the reboot.
returnil is very similar to deepfreeze. Except returnil boots up unfrozen and you can download your antivirus definitions/updates install programs etc, once your ready to go into virtual mode just "enable" returnil it happens instantly (no reboot required like deepfreeze).
If your computer is already infected with spyware/virus then "returnil" won't help you. But if you have a clean system, returnil will keep it that way. I wouldn't surf the internet without returnil enabled. If you use internet explorer then you definitely need returnil, it'll keep your homepage from being "jacked" permanently. All those "driveby" spyware that seem to get through internet explorer won't survive the reboot. Any virus/spyware that defeat your firewall/antispyware/antivirus will only live in a virtual returnil world.