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Installed xp but keeps restarting at boot
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2. February 2009 @ 22:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello, I just installed xp on my gaming pc....(downgrade from vista)
Now evertime it boots it just continuously restarts..i took out the hdd and tried it on a dummy pc just to see if that was the problem..but its not..Im convinced its my graphics card ATI Radeon 2400 Pro 512mb.....the device is newer than the windows im convinced its just my graphics may be too adavanced for windows it cant find a driver to display xp...I've even tried installing the driver on my hdd with the dummy any ideas???

Thanks so much.....s
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3. February 2009 @ 01:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
can you start your computer in safe mode, by pressing f8 or f12 when it's booting up?

How far the does the computer bootup before it reboots. Do you get to the logon screen?

Are there more than one hard drive in your gaming computer?

Did you completely reformat the hard drive when you downgraded?
3. February 2009 @ 01:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for replying i can get as far as the screen where it says "windows did not shut down properly" and gives me the options of "Safe Mode" "safe mode with networking" "start windows normally" after i pick any of these options it reboots

I can't even run in safe mode.....

just one hdd rite now.....plan to add blank one when finished gettin it working...

and yes i completely reformated my hdd.....

thank you for listening.....
3. February 2009 @ 02:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do you have an onboard graphics port? Try using that.

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3. February 2009 @ 05:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not an expert on computers... But I wouldn't think that the graphics card is related to this issue.
Reason for thinking this would be that you can start up your PC without having a graphics driver installed...( I think ). So if your graphics card isn't fitting in, it should just run as if its not really there...

But then again
I'm not an expert on computers...

Sorry if I am of no help =S

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3. February 2009 @ 21:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Try doing a chkdsk c: /f . If you have any corrupted system files, you will be having problems. When windows can't find the next startup files in the boot cycle (because they are missing or corrupted) it will reboot. If you had a hard shutdown while windows was writing to the hard drive, that will cause the corruption.

Unless the video card is physically bad, windows will automatically use the default vga drivers (which work on all video cards). Since you do get to see windows booting up on your monitor, you can probably rule out the video card as your problem.

The best way to do a chkdsk is to use a bartpe, easy to make all you need is your windows installation cd (takes 10 minutes to make). The bartpe will let you use the command line/edit registry/boot.ini etc. Very useful.
11. February 2009 @ 21:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Guys i love reading everyone's problems 'cuase i can't find answer to my own problems lol

Have you ever consider to reformat the drive to its original way?

Here's my problem friend told me to upgrade his HP desktop to Windows Vista Ultimate from Windows Media Center so i installed windows vista Ultimate on it..So far it was all good :) i was missing a audio driver but i found it no big deal.

Here's the fun part my friend didn't like vista and he told me to downgrade to Windows Xp Professional so here i went i started to put windows xp professional looking good so far untill my computer needed to reboot but once it did MY SCREEN WENT BLACK that was unusual i waited for like 45 minutes and nothing happened i shut down the computer manually and tried again AND WINDOWS DOESN'T EVEN START MY SCREEN JUST GOES BLACK... So i tried to installed windows vista ultimate again there are 4 steps to installed vista after the third step computer needs to reboot and once it does it goes back to step one OVER AND OVER AGAIN..

I don't know what else to do? Thank you for all your time and attention guys.. What do you guys think??? ANY IDEA I RUN OUT OF IDEAS NOW :( AND IT NOT EVEN MY PC I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP
11. February 2009 @ 22:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Did you do a complete reformat. I mean complete as in deleted all partitions and full format. I had an issue when I went from vista to xp. Found out that there was a small partition left from vista and it wouldnt let me start windows.

Dont let the door hit you on the way out, beacause I dont want ass prints on my new door!
11. February 2009 @ 23:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you for your Reply Ae :) Yes i did a full format to the harddrive and now that you mention partition there is a partition with 0.00 mb and another one with 180GB for some reason i can't delete the partition with 0.00mb when installing Windows Vista i just delete the partition with 180GB then there is only one now with 180GB but it doesn't work either i had also tried to installed the Operating System again leaving the partition with 0.00 and istalling the OS on the other parition with 180GB but no luck ... What do you think? I hope i covered all the details now :) > forums > pc hardware > other pc hardware > installed xp but keeps restarting at boot

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