I have a ully modded xbox that I used to watch movies off my windows xp computer, I have now installed linux ubuntu to my computer and am wondering is there a way of connecting my xbox. I was previously connecting to my router and sharing the drive on windows .
any help greatly appreciated
Thread teleported out of completely irrelevant forum.
Sharing under Linux is not much different from how you share under windows.
Install Samba, create a user called xbox with the same password, then share the folder(s) you want.
I tend to use Mandriva based Linux distro's so the workgroup for me always turns out to be MDKGROUP instead of the windows default of WORKGROUP - that's easy to change too if necessary
Ok thanks that has me now connected to my computer but still having trouble being allowed access to video files. I have created an account for xbox, shared the video directory changed the xbox account to allow "share files with local network". The xbox can see the video directory but access is denied.
GOT IT, need to change the sharing options in the vidoe folder to allow guest access(users without a user account). Don't understand why becuase xbox user has an account but it works!!!