Hello I am thinking about building my first computer. I have been looking at some components, but just don't know what would be best for what I want to do. I am only really looking to spend $700 at most (preferably less).
I want to do multimedia type stuff. I will use it for music and video mostly. I want to be able to deal with HD videos and possibly some blu-ray stuff. I will already have a 1TB hard drive will probably have to get a couple more with the size of these files, and with that stuff I know what I am going to get. I am really more looking for advice on a Motherboard, Processor, PSU, Case, and Graphics card. If you want to give input on a good blu-ray burner that would be good too, but I can probably find that on my own.
If this isn't possible with the money I have quoted it just let me know and post your suggestions anyway as I may be able to go higher than what I quoted.
But you can also build a perfectly good system for $700 if you don't need to buy peripherals.
No complaint with the components listed so far, though I typically recommend Corsair or G-Skill memory over Kingston.