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5. February 2009 @ 18:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi to all,
i looked through alot of sites recently for help on the digivox t.
i bought it and it arrived today 5th feb 2009
i went to my friends house and disconected his and connected mine
i DO promise to tell all tomorrow as i left the box working in my friends house to be watched and enjoyed.
now as i was saying i will leave details INSTRUCTIONS here tomorrow for all...
i just want to get it right so i wont miss lead anyone who needs help..
this is in the tralee ok..
its not that hard at all, giving the right instructions
so till tomorrow

ps ... i must read the rules to see what i can post and if i post too much this post may be edited...

Junior Member
5. February 2009 @ 22:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow ....An exclusive on how to get the Digivox T working.Geeez .... I can hardly sleep with the excitement :-/
6. February 2009 @ 14:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So here it is:

Connect up the digivox T as instruction in box
(I assure that you have all you need to get this working OK)

1. When you turn on the box a screen will appear if not PRESS menu, then PRESS Installation (a screen with stars on it will appear)
2. Choose Automatic Scan then PRESS Ok
3. It will now perform a scan for channels and radio
4. When the scan is complete the box will start to UPDATE let it
5. When the scan is complete it will try to put on a channel NOW if it starts to UPDATE again? (it will go from 0% to 220% etc)(your codes are wrong this is why)
6. Press Menu (the star page will appear)
7. Choose the BOTTOM STAR System Information This will tell you about you box?. DATE,BOX DESCRIPTION etc
8. While this screen is there?.
9. PRESS 1004 on the remote and a secret screen will appear?Now this is what you need to do next
10. CHOOSE EMU and turn it ON (this must be always ON)
11. There are 3 lists?. On the left in GREY
12. CHOOSE NAV (the top one) now a new screen will appear
13. Choose PROVIDER and arrow over to CHxxxS
14. Now arrow down to 00 should be there (leave it alone for now)
15. Arrow down one more you will see numbers and letters that look like this 2E FF B5 76 78 etc? This is where your new codes go OK?
16. Please note that you will have to get this codes yourself as this site will not accept me showing them here sorry
17. When you typed in your first codes you ARROW UP to 00 and ARROW RIGHT to change it to 01
18. Now ARROW down and install the next set of codes
19. LETS REVISE?. Change PROVIDER to CHxxxs (by arrowing right on remote control )
20. LEAVE 00 alone and ARROW down to put in set of codes
21. ARROW UP to 00 and ARROW RIGHT to change 00 to 01
22. ARROW down to change codes
23. PRESS STORE (twice to be sure)
24. NOW if the codes are correct the channels will be there IF NOT it will start UPDATING again (you have the wrong codes installed)
25. So get the right ones and repeat.. PLEASE REMEMBER doing this for the first time may seem hard but after a few attempts it will be easy?

Please note that you have to POWER the Ariel and get a small box(don?t know what its called) but it has a socket for TV and a socket for ARIEL
Also on the digivox T remote:
To get A you press PAUSE on the remote
To get B you PRESS AUDIO on the remote (sorry if I have this backwards)
To get C you PRESS the RED button on the remote
To get D you PRESS the GREEN button on the remote
To get E you PRESS the YELLOW button on the remote
To get F you PRESS the BLUE button on the remote
(or what ever colour the buttons are going across the bottom)

as promised
PS?. I done this from memory so mess with it you wont break it?.


I am just helping people like people helps me....

Junior Member
6. February 2009 @ 15:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you have flashed the correct firmware (ie v3300) then none of the above is necessary.There is no need to enter ANY codes manually.
6. February 2009 @ 16:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks glog,
new to this, so i will do the same myself

but will they work all the time
do i have to look for codes on internet when they are changed?

AGAIN only helping other people I was delighted to get my box going
Junior Member
6. February 2009 @ 16:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The newest firmware allows the box to autoroll when codes are changed.

Otherwise codes will have to be manually found and entered when the keys roll.
6. February 2009 @ 16:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Id better do that so
because if the box goes off during Coronation Street the missus will have a fit... lol

8. February 2009 @ 10:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am in the same boat trying to find info on how to setup the digivox in the cork area. I purchased it today and hoping your instructions will work for me. Dont really understand the firmware stuff to much? box should arrive during the week so i will post if i have any problems. looking forward to trying your setup details.
AfterDawn Addict
8. February 2009 @ 12:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
all boxes sold are freeview only,meaning u will need to flash/upgrade box with a program called firmware to get it to work properly,u will need a null modem cable for putting firmware on box,do u have pc with xp and a serial port?
8. February 2009 @ 12:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi folex9

as glog said above in another post
you can flash the box with the new firmware (this is the best way)
when the codes ROLL (change) the box will find them
i presume you got a grey lead with the box (well i did with mine)

to do this you connect the grey lead (RS232 i think) it has 9 pins
from the digivox T to you computer


How to update your digivox firmware

1. Connect the digivox to your pc using the RS232 cable via the serial port. This would be the grey cable that came with your box.

2. Download the loader for the software. You will need to download and install a program called Winrar or any other file compression program such as 7zip. Double click on the loader zip file, highlight the downloader 10 file, click extract, and select to extract the loader file to your desktop.Source: Digital Kaos

3. Now download the appropriate firmware from the first post for either your digivox or digivox XL box. Again you will need to extract the file, which will be a .bin file.

4. Now double click on the black and white downloader 10 icon. Turn on your box. Click the browse button (incorrectly spelt bwrose) , and navigate to and select the firmware bin file.

5. Make sure app file is checked, click download. Now wait for the progress bar to fill, and a dialogue box to appear which will say download complete. Not sure about the XL, but for the digivox while the firmware was downloading the front of the box displayed the progress of the download. (reaches 100 when complete) For me the download paused at 96 and 98.

6. Once download has completed, a diaogue box says "download complete". Wait for the box to say ON. Then turn it off, exit the loader and disconnect the box from your PC.

7. Connect the box back up to your tv, go to the menu, select factory setting, press OK and confirm you want to reset the box to factory setting.

8. Perform an full automated scan to pick up the channels. Do this by selecting Installation from the main menu, higlight automatic scan, select Telewest at the bottom and press OK. Now repeat this, but select another area at the bottom. Once you have scanned all areas (Telwest, NTL, C&W, Chorus and OM) go back to the main menu.

9.Now go to system information, press OK. (You should see here that the information on this screen confirms the firmware you have downloaded, has succesfully downloaded to the box.) Press 1 0 0 4 to access another menu. On this new menu turn emu ON.

10. Go to any subscription channel (such as Sky Sports 1), wait for the data to be upated and your all done!


you will need an exe file called: DOWNLOADER_10
and you will also need the latest .bin file

this is what is required from the instructions above

give a good look around the site for the 2 files DOWNLOADER_10 + .bin file
plaese read all the instructions


8. February 2009 @ 13:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ps folex9,

its was all new to me to a few days ago too
but with the help of the people on this site all is well and running
a few things to note and to all
PLEASE bookmark all the pages that are helpful to you
as you will have to come back to them again and again

and another thing too GIVE a good look around this site as a lot of the questions are answered before

you do know that you will have to power the aerial!!

The RS232 cable (grey) is here already give a look around the site
But the downconverter is NOT
here is what it looks like:
its the black power lead (the other 2 in the pic are the aerial joined)
this is how it works:
the lead from the aerial goes into the socket called DOWNCONVERTED
and the other lead from the digivox T goes into the part called TV
this is the bronze metal connected by a thin lead to the adapter that go into the wall for power

please note DOUBLE CHECK everything here as you are working with electricity and that can be "DANGEROUS"

8. February 2009 @ 16:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Folex9

check this thread (i made another one for digivox T)
its called....

"Digivox T mmds get it going (UPDATED)"

just above this thread

i hope that it will work for you

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