Hello I used to have a huge text file with lots of user created cheats, but then lost it somehow, i tried to get on cheatsync but there server must be down or something so i was wondering if anyone would be able to email me theirs.
Im not sure what device you mean, if you're talking about CWCheat (the one which you had to hold select for 3 secs and a menu popped out) then you can download it from the CwCheat website.
Originally posted by tpastrana: Hello I used to have a huge text file with lots of user created cheats, but then lost it somehow, i tried to get on cheatsync but there server must be down or something so i was wondering if anyone would be able to email me theirs.
Thanks in advance this forum is great!!
im having the same problem, but i found a site its on rapidshare.com
I just downloaded the cheats , that is alot. Now im relly mad, i cant find a good LCS Cheat Device (.PRX Version) I need the 371 one. Ive got one but the device pops up too early and crashes the game. I want to use the cheats ill try vcs cheat dev and put the downloaded cheats in extra. Ill post basck if it works.
I've tired it before, and it doesnt work on 5.00-4 M33, but works on 3.71... Does anyone know why, is there a way to fix? VCS cheatdevice works on 5.00 though
Ok here is very good place if u have problems with that or want new cheats or wanna start making own codes there is guide everything
*************** http://cheatdevice.tk/ ****************