I open up internet explorer and it goes to google.com. I type in something to search for--anything from apple trailers to FAA Credit Union.
The search results come up. When I click on the link to go to the site however, the address changes to this for a split second:
"mylifejournalq" dot something something...
Then it takes me to some random site that shows some advertisement. So I can search for stuff on google, or yahoo, or hotbot, or lycos...but when I try to link to the sites, it won't let me.
Then when I try to go back, or close out internet explorer, the whole computer freezes up.
Now, the computer runs everything else fine--runs all the programs smoothly, I can still play games online, it's just when I use the internet to get on the web.
I've tried searching for this "mylifejournalq" that pops up in the address bar thing, but I can't find anything on it. I am pretty sure it's some kind of virus, but nothing I have ran apparently can find it.
I tried to run the system restore wizard, but for some reason, the system restore wizard won't work. I click 'next' after choosing a date to restore the computer too, and nothing happens.