What CFW Supports Full Screen Video Output? Please Help!
Junior Member
28. February 2009 @ 03:59 |
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Hey guys, I just bought a AV cable to play my psp on the tv! I was excited as shit, until I realized that while playing a game, the damn thing doesnt go to full screen, which sucks ass!
I've been doing some research on CFWs that support full screen video output, I found a few things suchas 5.00 M33, BUT I don't wanna go ahead and update my psp to get full screen if its gonna mess up my homebrew I already have on there! I'm running 3.71 M33-4 right now. It plays PSX, SNES, NES, ISO & CSO great!
Is there a CWF that will play all my homebrew WHILE allowing me to play on the tube in FULL SCREEN?
Also I wondering, Is there a way to play games on a non proggressive tv with the regular Av cable with the red, white, yellow prongs?
Thanks for the help guys!
I love this site, Afterdawn.com has always helped me get past my psp problems, keep up the good work!
Senior Member
1 product review
28. February 2009 @ 12:10 |
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try FuSa SD it will let you play games with a composite cable (y,r,w cable) and has several screen modes aswell and as for best cfw u should stay up to date and get 5.00 m33-6 if not already and use LEDA to run the older homebrews.
Junior Member
28. February 2009 @ 13:04 |
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okay, i was thinking about going to 5.00 M33-6, So if i go to it i can still run PSX, and all the homebrew goodness, no problem?
If so, is thera guide on how to, install the 5.00 M33-6 w/ LEDA?
Thanks again for the help dude!
Junior Member
28. February 2009 @ 13:28 |
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oh, also i need a guide on the FuSa SD as well
Senior Member
1 product review
28. February 2009 @ 14:16 |
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yes updating you can still run everything but as for psx its better you install the plugin popsloader so that they play better, the link is in my signature.
for LEDA you just have to put it in root:/PSP/GAME/LEDA/EBoot.pbp and for fusa you install it like any other plugin so copy the .prx to root:/SEPLUGINS/fusa_sd.prx and then add "ms0:/SEPLUGINS/fusa_sd.prx 1" to your vsh,pops and game.txt in seplugins folder.
Junior Member
28. February 2009 @ 17:05 |
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i dont fully understandd what you mean by, add "ms0:/SEPLUGINS/fusa_sd.prx 1" to your vsh,pops and game.txt in seplugins folder...
what is "vsh"?
and do i type "fusa_sd.prx 1" in the game text and in the pops text?
thanks a million bro!
Junior Member
28. February 2009 @ 17:38 |
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Okay I followed your instructions, I got the psx games to go full screen! Thanks man! I have a few more questions though...
First, I have a HD cable that works fine, My question is now that I have FuSa, can I use the regular cable to play on regular tvs now?
and Heres another dellema, ONLY psx goes Full Screen (which is awsome). But, is there a way to get PSP games, NES games, GBA games, and SNES games to go full screen?
Thanks agian, you guys kick ass!
Senior Member
1 product review
28. February 2009 @ 18:23 |
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yea you can use you component cable to play progressive like normal and fusa with composite cable to play game/movies with interlace.
as for nes and psp games you will have to try and change the fusa screen mode i believe the latest has 3 settings to change the screen size so it should get close to full screen.
and their may also be settings in the emulators to switch the screen mode to full screen as well just like you can do with psx.
Junior Member
28. February 2009 @ 20:08 |
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How do I change the settings?
How can you show me the steps, or is there a guide out there you can point me to???
Thanks man!
Senior Member
1 product review
28. February 2009 @ 20:30 |
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with fusa you hold both volume bottons to get to the menu and change them and as for the emulators each one is different so you'll just need to find the button for the menu like start, select or the analog stick and then find the video or screen mode and i doubt their are any guides since its a simple task
Junior Member
1. March 2009 @ 00:08 |
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Alright, i tried to hold both volume buttons for the psp game to work in full screen, nothing happened, and I tried to press all kinds of buttons for snes/nes/gba emulators go full screen, but ALL to no avail.
What am I doing wrong bro?
PSX is full screen but nothing else.
Thanks for all the help!!!
Junior Member
1. March 2009 @ 00:22 |
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Also, is there a way to get the Resident evil games (1,2,3) to work on 5.00 M33-6? All my games work in full screen but those (they dont work at all (with this CWF).
Senior Member
1 product review
1. March 2009 @ 02:06 |
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did you check out popsloader in my signature, its a plugin that lets u run any psx from any firmware as some psx work better on other ones, this way you can have the latest firmware and still be able to play psx on the firmware they work best on and there is a compatibility list as well.
Junior Member
1. March 2009 @ 02:56 |
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how do u control the settingd?
Senior Member
1 product review
1. March 2009 @ 03:32 |
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not sure what you mean
Junior Member
1. March 2009 @ 04:13 |
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nevermind on that one...I found out that I had to go into recovery mode and and enable the FuSa, Ill try it out to see if it works...so when i have the FuSa enabled, Can use a HDMI output cod to play on a regular TV?
I heard somewhere that I use any cord for any tv...
Senior Member
1 product review
1. March 2009 @ 04:18 |
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well you can't use the hd cable on a regular tv since its uses r,g,b,w,r wires ad a noraml tv only uses the three y,r,w but the three wired composite cable with fusa can now play movies or games and change the screen mode so thats the advantage since most people have regular tvs anyway so now you don't need the hd cable or hd tv as much
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. March 2009 @ 04:19
Junior Member
1. March 2009 @ 05:16 |
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alright, cool ill return the hd cable tommarrow and get the composite cable...
what is the most updated version of FuSA?
and where can I get it?
also, i tried Resident evils 1,2,3 with your pops and 1, and 2 never loaded... Re1 never gets past the PSX Intro, and RE2 gets stuck on black screen, RE3 loads but always freezes soon after...
is there a better pops losder for CFW 5.00 M33-6 or do I need to downgrade?
So far 5.00 M33-6 sucks ass
thanks again for the all the help man!
Senior Member
1 product review
1. March 2009 @ 05:27 |
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5.00 m33-6 has everything the previous version have so it only suck as much as the previous versions if you don't know what too loo for and what plugins to set up.
i sent you the link to the latest fusa so you should be up to date on it, as well as popsloader i have the latest in my signature too.
as for resident evil not working as long as you have popsloader installed right the first time you load the game it should pop up a menu and show you different firmware versions, or if you hold R trigger when loading the game you can switch it and if you check the compatibility list in my signature you can find a firmware it loads best with
Junior Member
1. March 2009 @ 05:44 |
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ooooohhhhh!!! I see!
Dude, your the fuckin man!
Thank You!!!
One more thing though bro... When using the component cable(on hdtv) I transfer video feed to the tv, and with the pops you gave me...every time I wanna start a new game,I transfer video feed to the tv, then load the game i want, But when I go to load the game, video feed automatically goes back the psp when it asks me what CFW i wanna run... what am i doing wrong?
Senior Member
1 product review
1. March 2009 @ 06:01 |
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do you have fusa enabled under the pops.txt as well? sometimes its better to load the game and pops version and then load fusa after you start the game.
Junior Member
1. March 2009 @ 07:10 |
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Thanks Bro, Ill try it out when i wake up...
I tried the resident evil games, all worked as far as i can see...
i havent play 1,& 2 much so im not sure if theyll play all the way thru...
but i tried all the methods for RE3 in your compatibility list, all methods end in the game being frozen, is ther any other way?
im dying to play thru part3!
just for the record, your the coolest person i met on afterdawn!
thanks for helping me and keep up the good work man!
Senior Member
1 product review
1. March 2009 @ 07:16 |
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well thanks i appreciate that, try different pops firmwares to see if you can get re 3 running right and if not you may want to try downloading it from another source as an .iso to convert with autopopstation4 or as an eboot by a trusted source to be the best quality and compatibility, so maybe check out www.pspiso.com
Junior Member
1. March 2009 @ 19:40 |
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okay, check it out...
I just got a composite cable (r,w,y prongs)and i tried to get the games to play on a regular tv, to no avail...
I put the FuSa 1.0.48 in the seplugs, enabled it, swith D-terminal output to interlace, and tryed to play on the tube, and all of the games STILL wont play on the damn tv...
Man, this is fustrating bro...
What am I doing wrong?
Can you walk me through the steps on how to get this thing working properly?
Junior Member
1. March 2009 @ 20:46 |
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Ive gotten a few games to work full screen (Star Ocean, Xenogears,Suikoden II,Dragon Warrior VII, ect)with the composite cable, I was told that only games running on pops 5.0 work in full screen.
But, what about PSP games? how do i get those to full screen with the composite cable?