I downloaded civ 4 from u torrent and I cannot get it to load to install it or what ever is needed to play the game.
I know next to nothing about computer stuff so step by step instruction would be useful.
I have downloaded daemon tools( it said somewhere I needed that to mount it)
by the way, what does mounting the game do?
For an .ISO file with Daemon tools it's just a matter of dragging the file onto a virtual drive. This is called mounting. Then double click on the drive icon and the contents are revealed.
How you get Daemon tools to make a virtual drive..is beyond me..I don't use that proggy. Read thru the instructions from help in the menu bar or their website and you will find it.
it is in an .iso
I have now put it into the drive.
but still cannot get to actually open the file.
when i try , i cannot find the option to open it with windows explorer only roxio creator and a bunch of other useless programs
alrighty, i have fixed that roxio problem i think.
but i still dont know how to play the game lol i open the file using windows explorer and get a list of thing. : auto run, crack, direct X9, Readme,00000000.256, 00000001.TMP, 00000002.TMP, autorun, autorun, data1, data1.hdr, data2, DIAG, engines32, layout, read_me, SECDRV.SYS, setup, setupibt, setup, setup.inx, setup.isn, DrvMgt.dll
and yeah thats it.... what do i click on lol.
You and I are treading some very thin ice here at Afterdawn. The crack as listed in the directory cannot be discussed at all...sorry. Yes I know you haven't made mention to it.. so let's leave that one alone just for the moment ok. Any more talk of it and we both get ZAPPED by the Moderators. I'll send you a PM with regards to that folder, just reply to the email addy and all will be explained.
So..where do we go from here I hear you say..well firstly right click on the read me file and select open with then choose notepad. Read any and all instructions contained..and I mean read them all. So now hopefully you have all the info you need to run that game.
If the read me file was of no help, then ask your questions that might be related to that folder in the email.