My topic at hand relates to privacy, but that is not what I'm actually asking about.
Essentially I could write games for a certain console no problem a month or so back. Then I formatted and recently tried burning something. Using the latest version of img burn.
It crapped out at 2%, I changed the book type, it got to 50%, crapped out. Drive becomes unaccessable and i have to restart and put a very expensive coaster in the bin.
So I tried Nero infotool today and instantly spotted that my rom for DVD is unticked, could this be the problem?
I know it would rely on the DVD DL Rom which is ticked below, but that stood out as odd to me...
I've also tried CloneDVD (which works but the disk isnt readable by the console), DVD Decrpyter, no luck.
Originally posted by azz0r: So I tried Nero infotool today and instantly spotted that my rom for DVD is unticked, could this be the problem?
No, It is not. (I do not think you can write on DVD-ROM.)
I do not know your media or burning speed etc. (Those info are found in the burning software log. If you can post that, without serial#, it would help others to understand your problem better.)
Though with given information, try firmware update.
I do not see an error message. I guess it just stopped at 83%?
I did not close attention that your problem was with DL media. It seems it passed the layer break, therefore only I can say is ?try different brand media?? (Many experts here suggest only Verbatim for DL.)
(You can search here at aD regarding the problems DL media.)
FYI: You can find ImgBurn log at ?(user)\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Logfiles?