Hi! I bought yesterday this cooling system for my Sapphire Radeon HD 4830 512Mb (main reason is that the stock cooler was like a jet plane). I thought I could get some OC from it too, but it really gives me no more than with the stock cooler, which is quite low (default 575/900, i get it stable at 640/920 and its very bad compared to what others have had even with the stock).
One problem is, that the cooler came with a 3-pin(12V/7V)/4-pin connection, but this 4830 only has a 2-pin slot. So i just had to connect the 3-pin via 7V straight to my power supply, which gives me no access to the fan speeds am I right?
Though it runs quiet and cool and all, I´m obsessed to get higher clocks with it, at least 680/1020 or something (quite reasonable clocks)!!!
Btw. The card runs at the moment 640/920, GPU-Z says the fan speed is 7% and 1RPM (??), temperature is 37C (36C at the core, 41,5C memory, shadercore is 40C).
I´m new to this kind of things so any help is welcome!!
3Gb Kingston 800MHz
Sapphire HD4830 512Mb 720/900
Accelero S1 Rev.2 + Turbo Module
Chieftec 450W
Western Digital 500Gb
Windows XP Pro SP-2
3dMark06: 12899
The fan speed shows up as 1rpm as the yellow wire on the fan tells the card what the fan speed is. Without it plugged in, it has no idea. Those temperatures are great, but usually, the overclocking limit of a graphics card is not the temperature but the response of the chips. That's that, really, unless you voltmod the card. Such a procedure is exceptionally risky though, and I have yet to hear of someone's card lasting more than 5 months after the procedure.