It started out with none of the keys or my touchpad working, I fixed that by reinstalling the rechargeable battery fixed everything except the OK button.
The OK button acts like the left mouse button, but just today that button stopped working completely (almost). The Function key buttons when you hold them down and press the OK button acts like the Right mouse button, so on this keyboard that still works for some odd reason, where the OK button by itself doesn't.
Here's a list of things I've tried to get it working again (I'm out of options now and thinking about getting it replaced/fixed/returned).
1. Reinstalling the battery on the back (tried like an extra 3 times)
2. Giving the OK button a little extra force in the pushing
3. Turning off/on the blue-tooth feature
4. Putting the Keyboard in LOCK, removing the battery, Unlocking the Keyboard, and then reinserting the battery.
5. Tried the other buttons on the touch pad that act like the OK button, they don't work either.
6. Function and the touch pad buttons also don't make the right mouse button click either.
7. Tried the other keys on the keyboard and they ALL work.
8. I got sick of failing electronics and punched a hole in the wall (well not really, but I'm almost getting there).
I purchased this off of Ebay, seller's ID name is: reforger.
Link: Any ideas of what I should do, I'm at a complete loss. There's a warranty option available and I emailed the seller asking about that and the problem with the keyboard has already.