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lost eeprom
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17. March 2009 @ 15:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK So i built an eeprom reader but it didn't work. Pony prog didn't ever come up with eeprom when it was trying to read my reader.

My question is simple. Can I access a softmod xbox's lost eeprom by ftp 'ing to it through another softmodded xbox? or do you need a hardmodd xbox? Basically is there another way to get a lost eeprom besides a eeprom reader??
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17. March 2009 @ 19:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the $64,000 question.. depends if your xbox works or not.

I guess your reader isn't working because you are trying to use the xbox powered up.. that's usually why.
AfterDawn Addict

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22. March 2009 @ 03:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If the XBOX works, you can FTP to it using your PC also and get the EEPROM. But if both XBOXs work, what's the purpose of the Epprom reader? I thought you'd only need one if the BOX is bricked?

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22. March 2009 @ 13:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you for the responses. Varnull are you talking about reading it with an external source like with batteries?? I would do that but i cannot find a diagram of it!! I don't know how to hook up all the wiring to power it with batteries, so if you could point me in the right direction of where to find that, it would be awesome.

Cyprusrom - I think the reason most people are trying to retrieve their eeprom is because the backup has been erased off the hard drive. So in that case ftp into the hard drive wouldn't do much good. Also, the definition of 'works' can be confusing. If you mean it powers up and the motherboard is working then in my case yes it is.

To be more specific - I unlocked my hard drive, and then formatted the hard drive, erasing the backed up eeprom. So i need to get the eeprom again in order to lock the hard drive and get my xbox to come up with out the error screen. (there is no error number that shows up)
Thanks for your help!

oh ps i don't know what 'bricked' means i'm kinda a newb still.
AfterDawn Addict

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22. March 2009 @ 13:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dickalan:

Cyprusrom - I think the reason most people are trying to retrieve their eeprom is because the backup has been erased off the hard drive. So in that case ftp into the hard drive wouldn't do much good. Also, the definition of 'works' can be confusing. If you mean it powers up and the motherboard is working then in my case yes it is.
I guess that answers your question "Can I access a softmod xbox's lost eeprom by ftp 'ing to it through another softmodded xbox?".

I am a total noob myself when it comes to XBOX, however, I have successfully softmodded 3 XBOXs and upgraded 2 HDD( so you can see my experience is very limited; never played one single game, I strictly use them for XBMC).
However, I see many cases like yourself, when people "backup" their EEPROM onto the XBOXs HDD itself! Well, if the purpose of backing up is so you can use it to revive/replace a dead/corrupt HDD, and your "backup" is onto the dead, inaccessible HDD itself, isn't kinda...hopeless?

The first thing I did after softmodding each XBOX, is backup the EEPROM, and by that I mean FTP and copy it off the XBOX, onto PC, USB stick, CD...whatever. Keeping a "backup" on the XBOXs HDD is pointless when the box won't power up or the screen is black because the HDD is dead.

Don't know about the reader, I'll try to make myself one( I got a couple dead boxes that need a new HDD).

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22. March 2009 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You hit everything on the nail! and i couldn't agree more. I just wish tutorials like this:
would have told me to back up the eeprom and ms dash to a different location. Especially when i didn't even know what the crap a eeprom or ms dash WAS!!
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22. March 2009 @ 15:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm actually kind of having issues with another problem right now. Maybe you can help since it sounds like you have more experience then me. I'm now trying to uninstall and reinstall a softmod due out dated software (AID, SID) etc.

I deleted the softmod so the xbox was back to factory settings (MS dash loads) then I used the splinter cell hack. I'm using SID for the install. When i try to backup my ms dash though it won't let me.

It says it found modded files. I guess it found a softmod on the C drive. This is weird since i just successfully deleted the softmod. Or so i thought...
AfterDawn Addict

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22. March 2009 @ 15:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not sure what you did- erase/removed. Hmm..Since you deleted some files, your XBOX cannot be considered sofmodded anymore. But you might have not erased everything, so now SID still sees it as modded.What a clusterfunk!

While I was playing with installing/uninstalling dashboards, I used an AID 4.2 installer disc. It had an option to remove sofmods if I am not mistaking. However, your XBOX probably cannot read the disc at this point since you deleted mod files.

You say you get to the SID screen where you can choose to backup the MS Dash. Scroll down instead and try to "Uninstall Softmod". See if it will remove whatever it finds as "modded".

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24. March 2009 @ 14:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok so I figured out the second problem i was having. Uninstalling, then reinstalling a softmod. You need original MS dash files. You can get the from the 'slayer' download. Just in case i 'backed up' everything!! c drive, eeprom, ppf, ms, The problem i was having is that my MS dash had a bunch of modded stuff on it. So i had to restore it. I Ftp into my c drive and errased it then placed the original ms dash. The softmod worked after that!

If anybody comes across this thread I HIGHLY RECOMMEND BACKING UP EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU MESS WITH YOUR SOFTMOD. - not onto just your xbox hard drive. but ftp and transfer the files to another source, like your computer or something. :) > forums > archived forums > xbox - general discussion > lost eeprom

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