Recently - a few months ago, my PC stopped working whilst I was using it. By not working I mean the picture disappeared from the monitor, although the monitors power was still on and the base unit was still running. Having phoned tech help I was told to remove the RAM sticks and reinsert and see if that works - it did. This has happened on two other occasions (a few months apart) and on both occassions I've removed and reinserted the RAM. I'm now beginning to doubt the problem is with the RAM. And I don't like to constantly open my system to remove and reinsert the RAM. I've run WINDIAG and that hasnt reported any problems - although I will conduct a more thorough test this weekend.
Has anybody had the smae problem?
Does anybody know what the problem is?
Does anybody know how to resolve the problem?
My system is running:
Windows XP Home Edition
AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core processor 4200+ 2.21 GHz
1.00 GB of RAM
Sounds like you may have a bad stick or sticks of RAM. I take it from your post that you have two sticks? If so then you can try removing one and running with the other and see if the problem persists, and then switch them around and try it that way. You can also download a memory test program to run diagnostics. One of the simplest that I have found is here: it is pretty straightforward. Give it a try and see what you come up with.
i would lean to a motherboard problem or possibility a psu problem. any of the silver topped can shaped capacitors domed or leaking brown stuff on the motherboard?