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DVD-R VOB files work, DVD+RW don't, please help.
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19. March 2009 @ 00:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Basically, I have a Panasonic DVD recorder, and the first time I used a DVD-R. I recorded a clips, finalized it, put it in my comp, and extracted the multiple VOB files to my computer for every clip I recorded. It worked perfectly, the VOB standalones could play in WMP and worked in Sony Vegas 8.0.

Now, I got a DVD+RW so I wouldn't have to waste DVDs every time I record. The video plays fine in WMP FROM the disc. However, when I drag the VOB file to my computer, it's one VOB file containing all the clips instead of multiples. Also, it WILL NOT play as a standalone, WMP doesn't recognize it and on Sony Vegas 8.0 it looks like a muffled grey screen.

Can anybody help me with this problem or tell me why the VOBs from the +RW won't play when dragged to the comp even though the disc plays fine?

Also, with the -R there is only a Video_TS folder, and on the +RW there are two folders, Video_RM and Video_TS. I dunno what it means but I wanted to include more info.

PLEASE HELP! Desperate here!
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19. March 2009 @ 16:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You could try and up-date your codecs, and this will most likely deal with the situation. Use the Downloads tab at the top of your screen and have a look see...or perhaps if you use G-spot, as this will tell you of the codecs you have and what is needed.

Video RM? just click on the blue text (it links to a description here at Afterdawn) and read away. Don't forget to do the "all important system restart" for the codecs to take effect assuming you downloaded them.

Keep us posted on how you go.

25. March 2009 @ 02:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Youtube accepts the VOB files and they play normally on there, but I still have the same problem with WMP and Sony Vegas Pro 8.0...

and now another problem, my computer won't even play the DVD+RW. I recorded a video on it same as before, yet it claims there's nothing in the folder, and there is. Frustrating... > forums > pc hardware > dvd / blu-ray drives > dvd-r vob files work, dvd+rw don't, please help.

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