First of all I apologize if I seem like the worst n00b regarding formatting pc's, but the truth is I dont really know much about it.
First I will tell you some history of how I got to where I am now, then I hope you have some thoughts on how to fix my problem, which is that at the moment I am unable to install any type of Windows (XP, Vista) on my PC due to driver errors.
The story:
1. Bought computer approx 1 year ago, came with VISTA on it. Computer works flawlessly for 10 months.
2. I read about Ubuntu(9.0) and decide to try it out, so I install it so I have both Ubuntu (35GB of hard disk) and Vista (around 80 GB of HD)
3. Things work fine for a month. I hardly use Ubuntu, and dont know how to remove it.
4. While using Vista, HP recovery tells me that my disk is running low and that I have some problems (I ignore that as usually and to solve the problem I just free some more disk space by deleting movies etc)
5. I wake up, start my laptop, and cannot get to windows anymore. Only thing that shows up is "HP recovery and backup", reboot several times, no luck getting anywhere.
6. Format my hardrive with HP Recovery.
7. Try to install Windows XP on it (FAILED)Due to driver errors
8. Try to install Windows VISTA on it (FAILED)Due to driver errors
The ubuntu(9.0) is obviously still on my computer since there is only around 60GB free diskspace. Or atleast that part is "reserved".
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Is there anyway to just start from a clean sheet, removing the ubuntu and istalling either VISTA or XP?
35GB issue:
1.) Control panel>administrative tools>computer management>disk management
2.) Delete the 35gb partition 3.) Right click on the windoze partition and 'extend volume'
Screen Issue:
1.) Right-click the desktop and select personalize
2.) Click display settings & use the slider
3.) If there are not enough settings, you need to install a video driver.