I understand this will give me higher risk of crashing but since I have vista 64 bit with 4 gigs of ram I thought disabling page file was a good idea and that it would speed performance of harddrive my hardrive?
My understanding is disabling page file would result in quieter hard drive, faster performance and less wear on hardrive. I heard say that with 4 gigs of ram or more this would be a good tweak to do. I was wondering if this is widely considered true and if some here have opinions on the matter one way or another, Thanks.
It's important not to disable your pagefile regardless of how much ram you have. Windows and certain programs need a pagefile to operate correctly. Setting your pagefile to zero does not force windows to use physical ram. Windows memory management does not work that way.
I searched the whole thing up, and in the first three sites that I read, they all said that disabling pagefiling was a bad idea. One person said that under XP, he totally forgot that he disabled it, but in another case, this guy running Vista; just @ idle, was using 1.5 GBs. You should take a look at them.
The whole idea about faster hard drive time? You can just get a FAST HD, like a Raptor, or even SSDs. However, it should be noted that SSDs decrease in performance of writes, and are guaranteed for 10 years (among with all other flash based storages).
If that doesn't work, go and buy a 4 (8) GBUSB stick, (they cost damn cheap these days), and utilize ReadyBooster to have the USB stick act as the page file.
One last thing, I doubt that spinning HDs (conventional HDs) will actually wear out. Even SSDs have a theoretical life of 10 years... spinning? I doubt that they actually will wear out that quick.
Let's take the SSD for example... 10 Years... Do you think you will even be using the same HD for 10 years? 1 GB... HAHA, 1 TB (in 10 years?) HAHA!!!!! Moore's Law!
My cousin for example, in his budget 2 year old computer, is using a 8 GB IDE HD that was originally found is his fathers (my Uncle) Celeron back in 2000. It's still running... Not sure if it's fast though. =/ Probably slower than my USB stick =/