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Startin A Home Server
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1. April 2009 @ 05:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i want a home server for two coputers like....i want to have a server that has file/pic/music est. and i have two computer that i want hook up to be able to get the file and stuff from the server.....i have a Linksys 4port router anyhelp?
Senior Member
1. April 2009 @ 10:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Any extra computer that you have laying around will do fine. If has xp or vista you can just use the share folder feature to share files across your network. Then on the other computers you just have to map the network drive. It is all very easy to setup.

GAMING COMPUTER - Intel q9550 @ 3.4ghz | EVGA GTX 260 core 216 | Gigabyte ds3l | 6gb Gskill DDR2 800 ram | Silverstone 700 watt psu | WD 640gb hdd | Seagate 300gb hdd | LG dvd burner | Samsung dvd burner | Antec p182 case | logitech 2.1 speakers | logitech g11 keyboard | Samsung 25.5in 1900x1200 monitor | 19in 1440x900 secondary monitor | Windows 7 64bit | SERVER - Gigabyte 785g motherboard | AMD Phenom 9650 | 6gb ram | three 1.5tb hdd | Seagate 1tb hdd | WD 750gb hdd | two 300gb hdd | Maxtor 200gb hdd | Ark rackmount case | CentOS 5.5
Steam name = "krj15489" alias = Jordan-k
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1. April 2009 @ 11:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
share folders open to a network with an internet connection ave vulnerable.. especially as a quick portscan will expose netbios running with all it's backdoors and holes.

windoze doesn't run a proper hosts authentication on network shares.. you have been warned XD
Senior Member
1. April 2009 @ 14:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Unless there will be sensitive data on the server I don't think that will be much of a problem. But you could use linux to setup your network shares. I have not had too much luck with that unfortunately. I find it much easier to do in windows.

GAMING COMPUTER - Intel q9550 @ 3.4ghz | EVGA GTX 260 core 216 | Gigabyte ds3l | 6gb Gskill DDR2 800 ram | Silverstone 700 watt psu | WD 640gb hdd | Seagate 300gb hdd | LG dvd burner | Samsung dvd burner | Antec p182 case | logitech 2.1 speakers | logitech g11 keyboard | Samsung 25.5in 1900x1200 monitor | 19in 1440x900 secondary monitor | Windows 7 64bit | SERVER - Gigabyte 785g motherboard | AMD Phenom 9650 | 6gb ram | three 1.5tb hdd | Seagate 1tb hdd | WD 750gb hdd | two 300gb hdd | Maxtor 200gb hdd | Ark rackmount case | CentOS 5.5
Steam name = "krj15489" alias = Jordan-k
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
2. April 2009 @ 01:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Varnull - A full portscan of my IP address will not find any netbios ports open, nor will it find any other ports open other than a couple of very high number ports that forward to remote desktops.

If you know what you are doing, you can dissable netbios completely and just use the IP adresses for file sharing. Not only that, most routers will let you have netbios within your network while sealing these ports off to the internet. And a good software firewall will allow you to have netbios open only to specific computers.

Cisco (AKA Linksys) makes terrible products, but even they include features like virtual servers and port blocking...external access to ports 137-139 might even by blocked by default.

Junior Member
2. April 2009 @ 01:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so what should i do to do a new router?/i dont want anyone get to the file and ect. so what should i do to stop people
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
2. April 2009 @ 05:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First of all, do a port scan on yourself...there are lots of websites that will do this for you. You might already have these ports dissabled. In that case, you are already done.

Otherwise, there are several options. The easiest and cheapest method would be to download the full manual for your router; if you can block ports, then just block all these ports: 515, 1433, 1434, 135, 137, 138, 139, 445, 593, 1900. Netbios is 135, 137, 138, 139, and 445. The rest of the ports are other well known attack points.

If your router does not have the ability to block specific ports from outside access, you can dissable the NetBIOS for windows. Search around for a minute or two and you should find about 100 guides on how to do this.

Another easy (but not free) idea is to get a good quality router with a firewall. I know the 3Com officeconnect series routers have a good integrated firewall. A quick port scan of an officeconnect router will not find ANY open ports unless YOU opened them; a full portscan will find one stealth port and nothing else (tested on a network with net-based printers, NetBIOS shares, and multiple systems using the internet at the same time). This is the case for most quality routers...even some Cisco units (maybe yours).

Also, some internet service providers dissable these ports completely...but if that is the case, you will pass the portscan for those ports anyway.

Junior Member
3. April 2009 @ 00:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just router is also hook up to my 360 is this goin to mess it up internet used?/ whould it be better to buy a new router, i want to hook the 360 wirelessy and what kind if wireless router shuold i get....i dont want like wireless "N" i like its to fast/ 360 is going to be right above the router "upstairs" i was think like wireless G whould be go but what kind? > forums > pc hardware > building a new pc > startin a home server

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