hellow, I'm new into converting video files, so it is dificult to undrstand what I need to do. 1st. I have mkv video file, use superC to convert to vob_ts, good job, can adjust biltrate, but when played now have embeded subs, try to use suprip, jubler, dvdsubedit,avsubdetector,subtitlesprocessor and some others, but it seems none detects the subs or I don't know what I'm doing, so I search into forums do not remember whitch one but one said to use first mkvdemux, I did ,it works, but now I cant convert into vob,(this is for authorising purpose-dvd-lab pro), won't read the avi file that gave me mkv demux convert it and aparently the subs still on mkv subs format. I haven't found a good demuxer or converter that aloud me to play with subs or use it with authorising software. any sugestions or please guide me to the right direction! please I'm going crazy! ps: beginer but fast learner.
The subtitle might be in some weird format like .ssa or .sub. You can convert this to .srt using Subtitle Processor.
Then you should be able to add everything together (the .avi video, the audio, and the .srt subtitle) using ConvertXtoDVD. (Or attar's method; there are a bunch of "[Convert this]to DVD" programs out there, and probably the biggest difference between all of them is simply encoder settings.)