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Any way to play 2 player on emulators??
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2. April 2009 @ 14:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok so I am probably asking a little much I know I should just be happy I can play all my childhood games at all right? Is there anyway (maybe the phat IR port??) that someone can link 2 psp's to play like fighting games MK, Tekken etc. 2 player or even like mario kart 2 player. Maybe using a ps3 controller somehow?? Thanks

My PSP life since mar 1st 2009 got used psp phat with 3.10-oe>3.40-oe>3.52m33>3.71m33>5.01 OFW no fun>3.71m33-4>4.01m33>5.00m33>5.00m33-6 knew nothing of psp before Mar 1st!!!!
AfterDawn Addict
2. April 2009 @ 18:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
in snes9x, it's netplay. both must have the same roms.

ps2: v7 scph-39001 - independence exploit - hdloader 0.8c - maxtor 300gb hdd
(+[__]%) psp slim ta-085v1: 6.60 PRO B10
wii (powered by bootmii/priiloader): 4.1u - d2x v10beta53-alt (base 56) - configurable usb loader v70r51/devolution r188 - wd scorpio black 7200rpm 320gig w/ ams venus ds2 enclosure

got a whole lot more to list . . .
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2. April 2009 @ 19:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sweet man gonna try that out

My PSP life since mar 1st 2009 got used psp phat with 3.10-oe>3.40-oe>3.52m33>3.71m33>5.01 OFW no fun>3.71m33-4>4.01m33>5.00m33>5.00m33-6 knew nothing of psp before Mar 1st!!!!
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2. April 2009 @ 20:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok so I guess I cant say I am a complete noob anymore but how does this netplay work exactly? will it work for any 2 player games? Or is it only certain roms? Cause everytime I enable the netplay and pick a rom I cannot do anything I hit start and nothing. Now I can hit home and go back to the roms list, load the same game without netplay and I can then use my buttons like normal what gives?? Maybe I didnt put something in right or need to configure something? its snes9xTYL 0.4.2 if that helps at all.

So from what my research has gathered when you have 2 psp's with the same emu and rom you both hit start at the same time for net play and it should ask you to connect to a server. mine does not. you hit netplay, it says it in the background but thats it and as soon you enter any rom you cannot use any buttons.

*update 2*
Ok so I have done numerous things since last update. To sum it all up, I downloaded another snes9xTYL and had to overwite some of the eboot files in my emu. Now I get the connection, I have 2 phat psp's, both 5.00m33-6 both have the exact same snes and roms, they find eachother on the ad hoc, however it keeps "flushing" the system every ten seconds or so and I cant get anywhere, also will have a black screen with just sound??? I have to hit triangle to break the connection and then hit home to reload the rom

My PSP life since mar 1st 2009 got used psp phat with 3.10-oe>3.40-oe>3.52m33>3.71m33>5.01 OFW no fun>3.71m33-4>4.01m33>5.00m33>5.00m33-6 knew nothing of psp before Mar 1st!!!!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. April 2009 @ 23:30 > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > any way to play 2 player on emulators??

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