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Converting an Eboot.pbp back to .iso
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2. April 2009 @ 19:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok so I want to take the eboot file and convert it back to .iso and put it on a disc to play in my PS3 backwards compatible unit. I know it plays ps1 games no problem so I would imagine this would work right? What do I need and how would I do this? I used PSX2PSP and converted an eboot back to .iso then used dvd decrypter and put it on a dvd but nothing registered on my ps3. Is it because its on a dvd and ps1 was not dvd??

My PSP life since mar 1st 2009 got used psp phat with 3.10-oe>3.40-oe>3.52m33>3.71m33>5.01 OFW no fun>3.71m33-4>4.01m33>5.00m33>5.00m33-6 knew nothing of psp before Mar 1st!!!!
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3. April 2009 @ 23:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
without having a custom firmware on your ps3 or a boot disc it won't load a ps1 backup anyway even though their are programs to convert an eboot back to .iso, and i don't think their is a method either way for the ps3 yet

you could get a cheap modded ps1 or a bood disc for the ps1 in order to boot a backup, or get a ps2 and the slide card/flip top or boot disc/mod chip.

anyway depending on what consoles you own and wither you really want to do it or just get a psx emulator for you pc, i could help with whatever method is more reasonable for you.

PSPVC 3.50: click here IRShell 4.91: click here POPSloaders Pack: click here & Compatibility List Hellcats Recovery Flasher: click here
ChickHen R2 & CFW 5.03GEN-A Pandora Battery: Hellcats Pandora Installer or you can buy it from (here, here or here)
Magic Memory Stick: WinXP use Pandora Deluxe or PSP Grader v008 Vista use TOTALNewbi easyInstaller LEDA Homebrew Loader: click here
Top Guides: click here Official Firmware: click here Custom Firmware: click here Music: GAMEMusicGearMX with 1,000s of songs Emulators: click here
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4. April 2009 @ 03:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks ShaggyZE, I started thinking about that after the fact that I would probably need something other than just the disk, no way would it ever be that easy lol. I have been able to display my psp on my big screen via remote joy on my laptop and monitor out cable to my plasma. Works fine for rpg's but anything with any kind of timing involved even mario games, remote joy just has a very tiny bit of lag not noticable until you play something like that. Ok so what about the whole using the ps3 controller via remote play to control your psp? I know it can be done but I am curious if your just basically controlling your ps3 with your ps3 controller and displaying it on your psp or can you access your psp homebrew and use the ps3 controller somehow during this?? That would be awesome!!! Thanks man

My PSP life since mar 1st 2009 got used psp phat with 3.10-oe>3.40-oe>3.52m33>3.71m33>5.01 OFW no fun>3.71m33-4>4.01m33>5.00m33>5.00m33-6 knew nothing of psp before Mar 1st!!!!
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4. April 2009 @ 03:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i don't have a ps3 so i haven't tried it but from what i have read about it you use your psp to stream ps3 games that can be viewed and played from the psp but i don't think you can use the ps3 controller in anyway but i could be wrong and it would be nice.

PSPVC 3.50: click here IRShell 4.91: click here POPSloaders Pack: click here & Compatibility List Hellcats Recovery Flasher: click here
ChickHen R2 & CFW 5.03GEN-A Pandora Battery: Hellcats Pandora Installer or you can buy it from (here, here or here)
Magic Memory Stick: WinXP use Pandora Deluxe or PSP Grader v008 Vista use TOTALNewbi easyInstaller LEDA Homebrew Loader: click here
Top Guides: click here Official Firmware: click here Custom Firmware: click here Music: GAMEMusicGearMX with 1,000s of songs Emulators: click here
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4. April 2009 @ 03:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, I have found a couple different ways of accomplishing the sixaxis control of psp mostly using what must be an older version of IRshell as my IRshell looks completely different. Also they talk about using pops in IRshell however I have the latest popsloader for my firmware and all the pops from 3.11 I believe on up but dont know how to use pops on IRshell, on my PSX games I just hold "R" when starting the game and it "pops" up lol and lets me choose which pops to use but this does not work with my emus or IRshell. I intially got this psp for the purpose of remote play with my ps3 and then come to find out its pretty dumb as all it does it display your ps3 xmb on your psp and allow your to watch your vids and listen to your music. You cant even play any games on it pretty bogus I thought and thats when I decided to see what this psp could really do which is what brought me here in the first place lol.

My PSP life since mar 1st 2009 got used psp phat with 3.10-oe>3.40-oe>3.52m33>3.71m33>5.01 OFW no fun>3.71m33-4>4.01m33>5.00m33>5.00m33-6 knew nothing of psp before Mar 1st!!!!
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5. April 2009 @ 18:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you buy a PS1 game from the PS-Store (on your playstation 3) you can play that via remote play.

Streaming PS3 games to the PSP would never work, even if you overlook the technical impossibilities, the control system would be next to useless and graphics would be impared.

It is possible to play PS1 backups on the PS3, look in the stickies on the PS3 board for the swap switch tutorial. It's a pretty difficult thing to do though to play a 10 year old game, especially when you can get a modded PS1 for next to nothing.

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5. April 2009 @ 23:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ya i knew there is no way of playing ps3 or even ps2 games on my psp the computing power just isnt there, but thought i would be cool to take the eboots and put them on a disk and pop them in my ps3, it will play official ps1 discs without issue its completely compatible. i have seen a psp being controlled with a ps3 controller via 2 usb cables and a pc but i only have on usb cable and wanna try to eliminate one of the cables using irshell, I will let you all know IF I get anywhere with it lol. Its worth a shot.

My PSP life since mar 1st 2009 got used psp phat with 3.10-oe>3.40-oe>3.52m33>3.71m33>5.01 OFW no fun>3.71m33-4>4.01m33>5.00m33>5.00m33-6 knew nothing of psp before Mar 1st!!!! > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > converting an eboot.pbp back to .iso

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