Question about new PC
Junior Member
4. April 2009 @ 05:18 |
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Hey Guys!
Ive built myself a new computer, here are the specs
MB: Gigabyte ep45t-ud3p
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad 9400
RAM: 6GB Kit G Skill DDR3 1600
i also have a cheap asus video card. Im running Win XP Pro
Every now and then my computer just crashes. It freezes and i have to physically reboot.
I have a 550W power supply, is it possible that not enough power is going through the system. Ive tested the RAM and it seems fine,
Any ideas?
Thanks guys!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
4. April 2009 @ 07:26 |
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It's posible, depending on what the power supply is. If it's a cheap crappy unit, I'd consider it for quality reasons, but your system probably won't even draw 200W, let alone 550, depending on what the video card is.
How have you tested the memory? Have you overclocked the CPU?
Junior Member
4. April 2009 @ 07:44 |
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CPU is not being overclocked. i used goldmem and some other one from hirens boot disc
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
4. April 2009 @ 07:45 |
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What brand is the PSU?
Junior Member
4. April 2009 @ 07:55 |
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Antec, right now ive only got on ram module in the second ram slot. The pc hasnt crashed yet, is a faulty memory slot possible to cause crashes?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
4. April 2009 @ 07:55 |
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It certainly could.
Junior Member
4. April 2009 @ 08:28 |
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That may well be it, its been on for several hours with no issues. tomorrow morning ill try running 2 modules on dual channel on slots 2 and 4.
Ill post with an update tomorrow
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
4. April 2009 @ 08:43 |
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It could also be, for whatever reason, your memory doesn't work in triple channel.
Junior Member
4. April 2009 @ 20:13 |
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With one RAM module in slot 2, i left it on all night with no problems.
After putting ram in slots 2 and 4 it crashed again.
What the hell could it be?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
4. April 2009 @ 21:58 |
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Bad RAM or bad board. Try RAM first, it's easier to replace.
Junior Member
5. April 2009 @ 00:17 |
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Im running goldmem right now, im currently on mt other PC. so far after an hour in it has showed up with 4 errors. During test 7 "random patterns" It shows the errors happening between the 5000mb mark and the 6000mb mark, is that to say its the thirs ram module thats playing up?
Ill givan update when the test finishes
Junior Member
5. April 2009 @ 07:36 |
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tested ram again running on dual channel with no errors.
Tested motherboard with no errors.
tested cpu with no errors.
Upgraded bios.
Problem still continues, does anyone have any ideas?
Toold used from Hirens boot CD
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
5. April 2009 @ 15:05 |
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Yes it is, in the third set, so it's triple channel that's causing you issues. I still think you should replace the RAM since it's so easy. If it doesn't fix the issue, work from there.
Just a check, is your memory getting the correct voltage in the BIOS?
Junior Member
5. April 2009 @ 18:57 |
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Replaced ram, still continues. Voltage control in bios is all set to auto.
No overclocking or any performance enhancing features are enabled i dont think so.
Everything is default
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
5. April 2009 @ 19:05 |
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Hang on, it's just occurred to me. Why are you using triple channel memory in a dual channel board? the 3x2GB kits are for i7s. You should really only be using two sticks at once. I saw the intel CPU and glossed over the rest assuming because you'd used DDR3 you have an i7 (since DDR3 for Core 2 is basically benefitless)
Junior Member
5. April 2009 @ 19:13 |
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I realised that which is why i am now using only two sticks but to the same end. Comouter locks up sometimes even when idle.
It seems completely random so i have no idea whats causing it.
Should i manually change the voltage? if so to what since ive never done it
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
5. April 2009 @ 19:16 |
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Manually changing the voltage might be necessary, but I'm not sure what the impact of using RAM intended for triple channel use in dual channel would be. I don't think it should prove a problem, but as I don't use DDR3 myself I can't confirm that.
Manually set the memory voltage to 1.65V, and see what happens then. If still the same, perhaps try some dual channel memory instead. If still no luck, RMA the motherboard.
Junior Member
5. April 2009 @ 19:30 |
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Ive set the voltage, Ill have to wait and see what happens.
So you dont think it would be the power supply not providing enough power to all components?
Junior Member
5. April 2009 @ 19:40 |
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AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
5. April 2009 @ 19:43 |
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Looks like a problematic motherboard design. Probably best to have the board sent back. Preferably, for a simpler, more reliable DDR2 version.
Junior Member
5. April 2009 @ 22:31 |
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Checked another motherboard which is the same model as my one and the problem still persists.
Im more than convinced that the problems lie with the voltage control in the bios, after reading several posts with some problems with the same motherboard and changing the bios settings seemed to fix it for them. But with no clear instructions i cant do it myself.
This is the kind of ram i have
any ideas of what settings to use?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
6. April 2009 @ 07:10 |
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Just set the voltage to 1.6 (and if no luck, try 1.65) volts. It should appear as M.I.T. in the BIOS - you'll have to go manual with the voltage control, but set everything but Memory volts to Auto. Be aware, I think they'll show up as numerical values, but you might get:
If you do, I believe what you're looking for is +0.20 or +0.25.