Hi, my computer is a sony vaio with windows xp, and when i used to rip dvds to my computer or burn games or movies, it would run the fans really loud. Well now if i get on it at all it runs the fans really loud over nothing like just checking email or something. Now i have taken it apart once(just the side casing) to mod my xbox 360, and i booted up the computer and accidently disconnected the fan. But i plugged it back in. And it seems like a couple weeks later i cant really remember but somewhere around there, is when the computer ran hard over simple tasks. Now could i have maybe disconnected one of the other fans? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
get a can of compressed air and blow it in where the heat usually comes out seems to be a regular thing for a carpet of dust to cover the cooling fins. so don't try to blow it through, blow it back, won't hurt the components
i7 3770 12GB ram terrabyte sata drive 1 750Gb sata drive 285GTX graphics Sony dvdwriter same NZXT Nemesis case
Still playing Black Hawk Down why did I upgrade?
Thanks guys, ill try the air dust it all out. And i wasn't thinking that the bios would say that one of the fans was disconnected too. Sorry for late reponse ive just been really busy lately.