Hi guys, I am really hoping one of you can help me. I decided to clean my PC of dust, (didn't remove any hardware) and after I switched it on, the monitor displayed 'no video input.'
I tried using two different monitors on my PC, and they work fine on different computers. I have removed the graphics card, tried out a new video card, but still nothing. Everything seems to start up as normal, but I have to power it down via the main on/off switch.
So, I've decided it must be the motherboard. Problem is, I've never replaced a motherboard, and I'm afraid it's over my head. I'm just barely getting confident with digging around my computer, are there any good guides, will I need special tools?
What should I be looking for in a motherboard? Any suggestions? I'd like to use everything I've got, and I know that I want to move to using PCI Express 2.0 board to get the most out of my new card.
I would try a linux live cd first, and see if you can get something on the monitor. Maybe you have a windows driver problem.
A linux livecd will bypass all your windows drivers and use it's own drivers.
You might have a stuck reset button. What did you use to clean the system?
As for tools, a phillips screwdriver, flathead screwdriver, and needle nose pliers are usualy all you need. An antistatic wrist strap is also a good idea, you can make on from an old piece of wire.
[edit] also check to make sure that all your drive cables are seated nice and tight, as this can cause a no picture condition.
no problem as long as don't suck up any of the motherboard jumpers by mistake. i use a long bristel paint brush with sometimes a vaccuum cleaner when at a customer's house to cleanout any dust in a system.