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Popsloader driving me crazy
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22. April 2009 @ 13:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Guys,

I've read a lot of stuff about popsloaders and think I've done everything correctly, but I never seen a pops selection screen when starting a psx eboot.

So here's a check list of what I have done -

I have the folder 'seplugins' in the root of my memory card.
I'm sure it is the correct one for my firmware (3.71 M33)

In the 'seplugins' folder I have the popsloader.prx and a 'popsloader' folder full of numbered .prx files (for example - popsman340.prx)

I turned on my PSP in recovery mode and enabled popsloader from the recovery menu.

I started a few psp eboots with and without holding down the right shoulder button - nothing, nada, zip. Never get a pops selection screen.

I've tried all of the above on 3 different memory sticks (I think the first was a fake but I'm pretty damn sure the other two are originals; sandisk pro duo, 2GB and 4GB.

Any suggestions??
As a bonus question - if I can ever get this working which pops will give me a glitch free Chrono Cross gameplay experience??
AfterDawn Addict
22. April 2009 @ 13:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hold both left and right shoulder triggers when loading the eboot.

ps2: v7 scph-39001 - independence exploit - hdloader 0.8c - maxtor 300gb hdd
(+[__]%) psp slim ta-085v1: 6.60 PRO B10
wii (powered by bootmii/priiloader): 4.1u - d2x v10beta53-alt (base 56) - configurable usb loader v70r51/devolution r188 - wd scorpio black 7200rpm 320gig w/ ams venus ds2 enclosure

got a whole lot more to list . . .
Junior Member
22. April 2009 @ 13:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
started a eboots with and holding down the right shoulder button and change the setings not all seting work for all games. if you hold the right shoulder button down and it does nothing. then it not installed right. all so make sure that eboot file in folder of its own and not just in the game folder PSP/GAME/Final Fantasy/eboot
22. April 2009 @ 14:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the tips, but...

1, Holding both shoulder buttons doesn't help.

2, The problem is not with running the EBOOTs, I've played several on my PSP already - it's just getting the popsloader pops selection screen to come up to get specific games to work glitch free. I want to play Crono Cross, it boots and begins fine - but I know that it will freeze in the first boss battle against Mama Komodo if I don't change the pops first, so i don't want to start playing it until I have the pops sorted out.
23. April 2009 @ 06:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK I've sorted it out I had to update from basic 3.71 M33 to 3.71 M33-4 and now it's working fine.
Senior Member
25. April 2009 @ 10:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
anyone want to run popsloader download this file extract it you now have a file called seplugins drag it to the root of your PSP memory card when it asks you if you want to over write seplugins click yes put PSX Eboot games in PSP GAME folder start the game as you would a ISO/CSO 1st time a game loads it brings up a choice of pops choose what the uploader of the game recommends, next time you want to change pops hold down R button then start game, as the game loads it will go to the pops menu and let you choose new pops version. > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > popsloader driving me crazy

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