I have a Radeon 4850 GPU with HDMI out - it's HDCP compliant. I have the HDMI going to my new 46" HDTV. I finally got PowerDVD 7.3 to work and I am able to play The Fugitive HD DVD. But the image is definitely not HD. It looks like it's been downsampled. I don't think HDCP is an issue. Typically you wouldn't be able to play the movie if both the output and input were not HDCP compliant, right?
Could it be a setting on the video card? I've tried to go through all of the options in the ATI control center.
Thanks for the reply. You're right about The Fugitive film quality...in fact, of all the HD DVD's I own, it's the only one that doesn't advertise on the box "the look and sound of perfect"...lol
But the image is definitely being downgraded by PowerDVD. I tried The Fast and the Furious last night and although it looked better, I noticed a slight difference in quality. So I ripped it to mkv at a bitrate of 15,000. Then I played it on my TV using mpclassic. Looked so much better than playing it from the HD DVD.
So I'm pretty sure now that powerdvd is downgrading my movie. I don't know why. Both my video card and TV are HDCP compliant.