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Vista and USB 2820 drivers
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Junior Member
17. May 2009 @ 22:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi everyone,

I run an HP dv4 Notebook PC (laptop) home premium SP1 os and since I already have a perfectly good anaolog-digital capturing dongle, just 2 yrs old, I'm trying to avoid re-purchasing the latest KWorld dongle in hopes of circumventing what seems to be a commonplace money squeezing marketing practice of refusing to release updated drive packs for original devices & software, by simply releasing a compatible set of USB drivers and in my case, swapping out of the capturing software.

When trying to use the usb dongle (KWorld's DVD Maker 2, 2007 version, designed for xp's) on Vista os, as soon as 'MF6' gets to the option of choosing the capture device, while it detects the USB 2820 Device, as soon as I proceed towards capturing, it fails with a prompt titled MovieHunter, adding only "Failed to connect to driver: USB 2820". Likely a simply driver swap is indicated, but how to figure out which one's the rub.

Ulead's readme and user pdf say DVD Maker 6 works with any* capturing device), but some digging finds in actuality that's not exactly true as actually there's prerequisite hard/software...

? USB1.0/2.0 or PCI capture devices compliant with WDM standards and
PC cameras
? PCI, TV tuner, or USB capture device for analog capture (WDM support) since hard/software doesn't seem to be the issue (I'm not positive about Vista's "WDM standards & support"), the fact that MF6's Movie Hunter prompt indicates a driver issue, I'm fairly hopeful that likely another set of drivers (eg; USB 2800, etc) might allow the dongle to work.

Any suggestions? Currently (just now) trying the original mfgr's driver update, ref.

Ref. the dongle's USB drivers, originally on XP, it used to install USB 2800, but oddly now it installs USB 2820 drivers. Also DVD Maker 6's version 6.00.00004.0 apparently isn't a full or plus version and the Corel Ulead website doesn't seem to identify this version (hence an additional excuse for denying support).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. May 2009 @ 00:14

AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
18. May 2009 @ 01:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You probably just need a better capture software. There are lots available for free on the net, and they are usualy designed to capture everything. Also, try using the driver from this page:

Junior Member
18. May 2009 @ 02:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks but the link dead ends at their web page which lists by default, three dialog boxes filled with prod. cat.: ALL, interface: ALL and product: HDMI 3-2-1 (HDMI-321), and clicking that area's search results in "No records found".
18. May 2009 @ 15:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
have you tried to use compatibility mode when loading the driver?
Junior Member
19. May 2009 @ 01:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
o I hadn't tried it. Never noticed a mode for XP SP2 in any program's exe or even it's ini.

But what the heck, I'll give it a shot, can't hurt.

Again, even with Vista/XP USB drivers dedicated also to USB2800D parent devices, MF6 still balks with a Movie Hunter 'error' prompt (fails to connect to USB Device) and this needs focusing on. It's exe's properties only afford one plausible tickable mode (640x480 mode) which I've even tried ticking as I'm forced to use an external moonitor for MF6 running on the Acer netbook (capble of only up to 1024x600 whereas MF6 demands a min of 1024x768). In that MF6 fails to detect the dongle on either machines, it seems most likely the damned dongle is perhaps the issue.

But as for KWorld's program installed executibles, I checked just now and its doesn't have an XP mode, obvious as its release was during the XP SP2 era.

Again, kind of fuzzy when you say 'use compatibility mode when loading the driver' as the only OS type modes listed are for XP SP2, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 SP6 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 (none of those seem a likely option for either a Vista or XP SP3 machine. Yes/No/Maybe???

But I do see the juxsta-positioning of setting the Vista/XP exe's for SP2 as we're dealing with an SP2 dongle.

As unlikely a fix as that was, no loss at trying that workaround.

What seems most wanting for comments is the fact that we're not addressing or gaining any understanding of the error involving the capture dialog box which is supposed to list the dongle in some meaningful manner (eg; USB2800 Device or even USB 2820 Device).

And since it only lists an "Analog TV" option, and using that leads to the Movie Hunter error, not focusing on this seems not the way to resolve the issue.

As for this Movie Hunter thing, I've read everything that both came with the product as well as what's available at the producer's website, even googled Movie Hunter, not to mention posting on the best forum I know of, again all w/o comment on the "Movie Hunter" error.

Who knows maybe KWorld will write back about their dongle's status regarding at least if it meets WDM standards & support.

Much appreciate the tip on compatibility ticking, even though I was a bit mortified that I hadn't even thought about that (even so much as to discard the idea).

Again, maybe someone out there knows about these things and we can get him/her to comment.

Senior Member

4 product reviews
20. May 2009 @ 21:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
run the specified .exe as administrator.

to do this right click on the program you want to run and select run as administrator.

to run in xp mode as said above, right click the same program go to property. then to the compatibility tab and check the use compatibility box it should already be on xp mode

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Junior Member
21. May 2009 @ 07:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks but said I've been there, done that.
Junior Member
30. April 2010 @ 07:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by DXR88:
run the specified .exe as administrator.

to do this right click on the program you want to run and select run as administrator.

to run in xp mode as said above, right click the same program go to property. then to the compatibility tab and check the use compatibility box it should already be on xp mode
Thanks for replies. 'Run as' (for the KWorld USB2800 dongle) worked fine, but better yet, before running the installer, set it for 'XP' compatability (on my Vista/now W7 machine(s) works/worked best (even tho the W7 kept trying to install the USB2810 driver, when the dongle and it's PVR Plus capturing software worked fine w/o the nuisance USB2810 drivers, so I disabled the driver updating).

Again, as for KWorld, they provided little support (never even an answering back as far as what software they might have tested it with, ref. their claims that their product (dongle) 'meets WDM standards & support'.

As for trying to get support for DVD Maker, it wasn't forthcoming, so I tossed the app's CD and wrote it off as a just another rip-off software company selling it's outdated and moreover unsupported SE version (and hiding that fact). As such, I'll never buy anything from ULead again.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. April 2010 @ 07:10 > forums > pc hardware > other pc hardware > vista and usb 2820 drivers

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