Hello. I am a new Mac user and generally really happy about my choice. However I do have a lot of old DRM protected wma files that don't play on iTunes and I do miss Tunebite. I was also really happy user of Any DVD Converter for PC.
Can you tell me what are the best options available for Mac? Ideally I would love to find one sw that does everything and I am willing to pay for quality!
Try handbrake for DVD converting to AVI, MOV or MP4 formats.
WMA files...newer iTunes does play these. Toast burning software will recognize and help convert them. There is also a older program called DIVXWMACONVERTER that may help.
And be aware that much Unix & Linux software has been ported to MacOSX. These archives are malware-free, and they will keep your 3d-party software updated. Just filter each for 'free', then search for 'rip'.
Just a suggestion. First, AnyDVD has many replacements. Ask on the Video forum for Mac Users.
The snag, as you know, is with the music. It's very bizarre, but it would appear the best storage for DRM music is on Audio-CDs, written on that computer, using that operating system.
You can store these labeled .ogg files, made with the lossless FLACcodec, until you want to convert them as you choose. It's a lossless, DRM-free storage method other than writing Audio-CDs.
(Note that the current Flip4Mac plug-in that gives iTunes non-DRMWMA ability has a severe security vulnerability and must be removed. What a surprise.)