HI, Please excuse the typo's you're about to endure, I never proof read.
I have a flip MinoHD. I'm also a techie. the flip software is not made for techie's it's made for people who have know idea whats going on inside a PC. This is great for most users but not so great for a techie.
My problem arose after I installed the Flip software. I ran out of space on my c: drive.(only 50GB OS partiion which Vista eats 90% of) No problem I thought, I will just tell the flip software to store my videos in another location, the d drive, network share, ext drive. NOPE, not an option with the software, dam this stinks I said. Wrote to flip, they said I'm pretty much out of luck, the only thing I can do to is copy the videos to another location, but once that is done the Flip program will not see the video anymore which stinks because I like the program.
So here is the fix for Windows XP and Vista users:
In Windows Vista, you can change the loacation of the video folder.
If you right click on the video folder c:\%username%\users\Video
Select the location Tab, you can redirect it to another folder on a different partition or Hardrive. Just make a new folder name is video and point it to that. (network drives did not work for me)
You may or may not need to reinstall the flip software, I had to due to other attempts I had made.
In windows XP, you can't change the location of the "my Video" but you can redirect the location of "my documents"
the above link is for XP, I can not find one for Vista, but its the same concept, Vista just lets you get more granular with the folders under "Documents"
So there you have it. I could not find any help on the web anywhere, so I hope someone out there finds this helpful
I wrote a blog post on how to modify Flipshare to still see your old videos after you change your drive location as you described. It requires a little bit of SQL knowledge, but it's not too bad.