Totaly NEW to iphone world. please help.
Junior Member
22. June 2009 @ 19:33 |
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hi everybody!
i just found an iphone a couple weeks back and i want to jailbreak it & unlock it. i have no idea or any info on the phone at all & have never owned one ('till now). (please dont make fun of - but ive never owned a cell phone with a plan/contract. i have a boost mobile thats pre-paid that ive been using since 2005. i was away for a while)
i know its not the first ones that came out with the metal back. this one has the all plastic back and says 8GB on it.
from what i saw, the process was super easy on the first iphones that came out. ive come across some sites where they say that i can unlock this phone using yellowsn0w BUT that FIRST the phone needs to be jailbroken. my questions are .....
1. is the process that i stated above correct? (jailbreak 1st THEN unlock?)
2. what should i use to jailbreak? yellowsn0w? redsn0w? idontknow!
3. do i need to have a different sim card thats activated with a phone carrier to complete these processes OR can i complete these processes and put a sim in later?
3.a. can i put my Boost phone sim in it?
thank all, for any & all help.
Junior Member
22. June 2009 @ 20:27 |
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It sounds like you have a 3G iphone, which you can most likely use redsn0w to unlock/jailbreak it. But as for the boost mobile sim card, i do not know the answer to that. I know that you do not need to have a sim card in the phone while going through the process of unlocking it. It is pretty easy to unlock, especially with the programs like redsn0w to unlock/jailbreak because they tell you how to do them step by step. Hope this answers your questions.
Junior Member
22. June 2009 @ 20:35 |
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thanks so much for the feedback - sounds pretty solid!! so i'll be checking that out in a few. youre the first to reply to the thread so far so i cant wait to see what the rest of the communinty has to say. ive been on the forums and have contributed where i could as well as asked questions a few times, mainly about movie conversion / etc...
and am always impressed & appreciative of how people help eachother work thru this stuff.
thanks alot man. ill be check'n that out in a few.
AfterDawn Addict
22. June 2009 @ 21:07 |
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ato, don't post info that you don't know for sure yet. There is no unlocking yet for 3.0 firmware. Only jailbreaking.
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Junior Member
22. June 2009 @ 22:57 |
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NOooooooo.... ato
say it aint so. :(
hey guessswho - Thanks for chiming in but please tell me though, what are my options?
AfterDawn Addict
24. June 2009 @ 00:38 |
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Originally posted by nu2ad: hi everybody!
i just found an iphone a couple weeks back and i want to jailbreak it & unlock it. i have no idea or any info on the phone at all & have never owned one ('till now). (please dont make fun of - but ive never owned a cell phone with a plan/contract. i have a boost mobile thats pre-paid that ive been using since 2005. i was away for a while)
i know its not the first ones that came out with the metal back. this one has the all plastic back and says 8GB on it.
from what i saw, the process was super easy on the first iphones that came out. ive come across some sites where they say that i can unlock this phone using yellowsn0w BUT that FIRST the phone needs to be jailbroken. my questions are .....
1. is the process that i stated above correct? (jailbreak 1st THEN unlock?)
2. what should i use to jailbreak? yellowsn0w? redsn0w? idontknow!
3. do i need to have a different sim card thats activated with a phone carrier to complete these processes OR can i complete these processes and put a sim in later?
3.a. can i put my Boost phone sim in it?
thank all, for any & all help.
1. best bet is yes to jailbreak first, then unlock. Unlocking is now possible on 3.0
2. Check out the wiki on the page that is linked to in my signature. The wiki has tutorials on how to unlock and jailbreak.
3. You can complete it now and put a different sim in later.
4. I don't know. Is boost mobile a gsm based network? As far as I knew, the only companies compatible with the iphone were att and tmobile.
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24. June 2009 @ 09:33 |
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hey, i used the guide u linked us to and i successfuly jailbreaked my iphone 3g 3.0
unfortnuately, ive only had the iphone for 3 days now so im not sure how to install my apps onto it
i got the apps from a site and now im wondering how do i install them onto my iphone?
ive heard on something called installuos or something like that- could anyone tell me (or link me to a guide) how to install apps onto my iphone?
>Onwayto3.71m33when BRICK
Junior Member
24. June 2009 @ 16:41 |
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hey guessswho!
i got that and was checking that stuff out in the wiki link ....
alot of great info in there!
i have to back up a little and take another look at it all - 'cause it all can seem a little intimidating.
according to what i saw there, jailbreaking will be the first step so im gonna go ahead & give it a shot. i dont even have itunes installed on my comp. yet, so obviously thats gonna be the first thing to do.
will look forward to hearing back from you and others on this.
Junior Member
24. June 2009 @ 18:57 |
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in jailbreaking......
ive tried three times so far but everytime its done rebooting - cydia is not installed ????
theres no sim in the phone - do you think that might be the reason why ??
everything goes pretty smoothly but when all said & done, theres no icon for cydia.
Junior Member
24. June 2009 @ 19:31 |
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Quote: in jailbreaking......
ive tried three times so far but everytime its done rebooting - cydia is not installed ????
theres no sim in the phone - do you think that might be the reason why ??
everything goes pretty smoothly but when all said & done, theres no icon for cydia.
it was there the whole time.
i didnt know or think to scroll the screen / slide it to the left once i did that i could see it there next to the contacts icon.
gett'n there, 'll keep 'yall posted.
gonna go ahead & unlock now.
Junior Member
24. June 2009 @ 20:19 |
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well - its all said & done.
jailbroken & unlocked using the links / guide that Quote: guessswho
they worked like a charm.
only thing left to do is find a sim to throw in this thing and give it a whirl & see.
AfterDawn Addict
24. June 2009 @ 23:01 |
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Originally posted by runezerg: hey, i used the guide u linked us to and i successfuly jailbreaked my iphone 3g 3.0
unfortnuately, ive only had the iphone for 3 days now so im not sure how to install my apps onto it
i got the apps from a site and now im wondering how do i install them onto my iphone?
ive heard on something called installuos or something like that- could anyone tell me (or link me to a guide) how to install apps onto my iphone?
What types of apps are you talking about. Just jailbroken apps? You can use cydia or Icy to do that. It has multiple repositories that host applications.
Glad to hear that you were able to get it working. It's a pretty simple process I think, and you probably think so too. Glad you're set.
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Junior Member
28. June 2009 @ 22:10 |
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Just a quick update ! .....
yesterday i was able to test it out with a tmobile sim in it for a few minutes and ....
Bingo! worked like a charm.
1 product review
31. July 2009 @ 17:37 |
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Sooo... not to "endorse" any peeps or products or promote any piracy, etc...
Go hit up . SERIOUSLY.
They will give you the whys and whats and wheres. BTW, Ultrasnow is now the official shizzy, but you will need to run purplerain first. I finally caved and bought a 32GS for the wife and that led to a second for me. Was waiting/hoping for a PSPhone, but you know where that has been.
Junior Member
3. September 2009 @ 10:06 |
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Originally posted by nu2ad: hi everybody!
i just found an iphone a couple weeks back and i want to jailbreak it & unlock it. i have no idea or any info on the phone at all & have never owned one ('till now). (please dont make fun of - but ive never owned a cell phone with a plan/contract. i have a boost mobile thats pre-paid that ive been using since 2005. i was away for a while)
i know its not the first ones that came out with the metal back. this one has the all plastic back and says 8GB on it.
from what i saw, the process was super easy on the first iphones that came out. ive come across some sites where they say that i can unlock this phone using yellowsn0w BUT that FIRST the phone needs to be jailbroken. my questions are .....
1. is the process that i stated above correct? (jailbreak 1st THEN unlock?)
2. what should i use to jailbreak? yellowsn0w? redsn0w? idontknow!
3. do i need to have a different sim card thats activated with a phone carrier to complete these processes OR can i complete these processes and put a sim in later?
3.a. can i put my Boost phone sim in it?
thank all, for any & all help.
You could have a look at the following site link posted underneath, it helped me out a great deal, when I bought a second hand iphone, and the resources on the actual site are fantastic and should help a lot. But always think hard, before you make a decision to jailbreak/unlock.
Redsnow version 8.0 is the latest update, and it worked for me, many times without any hitches.
Nice to help people out.
AfterDawn Addict
4. September 2009 @ 14:38 |
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Originally posted by iam1: Originally posted by nu2ad: hi everybody!
i just found an iphone a couple weeks back and i want to jailbreak it & unlock it. i have no idea or any info on the phone at all & have never owned one ('till now). (please dont make fun of - but ive never owned a cell phone with a plan/contract. i have a boost mobile thats pre-paid that ive been using since 2005. i was away for a while)
i know its not the first ones that came out with the metal back. this one has the all plastic back and says 8GB on it.
from what i saw, the process was super easy on the first iphones that came out. ive come across some sites where they say that i can unlock this phone using yellowsn0w BUT that FIRST the phone needs to be jailbroken. my questions are .....
1. is the process that i stated above correct? (jailbreak 1st THEN unlock?)
2. what should i use to jailbreak? yellowsn0w? redsn0w? idontknow!
3. do i need to have a different sim card thats activated with a phone carrier to complete these processes OR can i complete these processes and put a sim in later?
3.a. can i put my Boost phone sim in it?
thank all, for any & all help.
You could have a look at the following site link posted underneath, it helped me out a great deal, when I bought a second hand iphone, and the resources on the actual site are fantastic and should help a lot. But always think hard, before you make a decision to jailbreak/unlock.
Redsnow version 8.0 is the latest update, and it worked for me, many times without any hitches.
Is this a contest to see how many times you can post that link? Also, stop giving incorrect information. It is redsn0w v0.8 not redsnow v8.0
Nice to help people out.
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Junior Member
4. September 2009 @ 16:52 |
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hey guessswho - i will check that out.
look a little further up in the thread - youll see that you already helped me out with this once before - the thread is old but still getting hits - still good though - as you can see i clearly told everyone that the info you provided above was right on the money.
i mean if they took the time to read through the thread, they'd see that i have posted an update 28. June 2009 @ 22:10.
i mean its great - cause that means people are still seeing this and everyone can always take what they need.
ANYWAYS - im gonna check out the new info you sent to see if its any different from the first one you posted (i bookmarked'em 1st time around).....
PEOPLE please see the links provided above by guessswho.
particularly the first one he mentions (i havent been able to check out any others yet to confirm) - no need - work'n like a charm.
thanks again to everyone else for their feedback & suggestions..
Junior Member
5. September 2009 @ 08:38 |
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Hi guesswho
NO it is not a contest to see how many times I can post that Link, it is actually because I try to help people out, who do you think you are??? If you are going to ci=ontinue, pulling me up about all the posts I am inputting, then grow up, and stop acting like a spoilt child.
I don't care about how many times I post, I like ti help people that is all. YOU are not anyone to tell me any different.
If one of the main henchmen of this site tells me different, that is another story.
AfterDawn Addict
8. September 2009 @ 10:53 |
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Originally posted by nu2ad: hey guessswho - i will check that out.
look a little further up in the thread - youll see that you already helped me out with this once before - the thread is old but still getting hits - still good though - as you can see i clearly told everyone that the info you provided above was right on the money.
i mean if they took the time to read through the thread, they'd see that i have posted an update 28. June 2009 @ 22:10.
i mean its great - cause that means people are still seeing this and everyone can always take what they need.
ANYWAYS - im gonna check out the new info you sent to see if its any different from the first one you posted (i bookmarked'em 1st time around).....
PEOPLE please see the links provided above by guessswho.
particularly the first one he mentions (i havent been able to check out any others yet to confirm) - no need - work'n like a charm.
thanks again to everyone else for their feedback & suggestions..
Just so you know, I wasn't replying to you in that message.
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Junior Member
8. September 2009 @ 11:12 |
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yup - i gotchya. thanks though.
13. September 2009 @ 14:07 |
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I have a jailbroken and unlock 2.1 Iphone (1st generation). Is there a tutorial to upgrade the firmware to 3.0?
AfterDawn Addict
14. September 2009 @ 19:18 |
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you wanting to keep it jailbroken I assume?
Did you follow the guide above?
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