You are reading a mindless signature, please stop reading it now it is mindless, one can only presume you are mindless since you are still reading this mindless signature, Oh my god get a life you mindless person, whats the matter with you, dont you have a girlfreind? mindless mindless mindless
I just tried the newest xboxripper to see if it really worked. Did three backups of various sizes and went well. It will even use Nero 6 to burn the image. If you are really confused this will get you going, but only with backing up. You still need flashftp to load applications.
ver 1.0, 1.5 and 1.6 with 200gb hdds & X3. Team Xecuter Pro front panel with LCD Screen (rocks). GC with qoob pro, Team xecuter's iced cube case mod and a BBA.
go to google and search xiso and click on the one that says yursoft. then click on the thing that says like v1.5 i think and some other stuff with it but that is xiso and you'll need winrar to extract it and then open it and you get an error idk for what but it opens after you press ok for that error.
after you get the xiso downloader, yursoft or craxton or whatever you are going to use. What is the next step. They all say go to the file. What file are you referring to. The file that made the 'dashboard'. The file that made the bio. The file where the saved game is. Can someone REALLY explain the next steps to me.