Mitsubishi XD300u or XD350u
28. May 2004 @ 15:00 |
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Thoughts on these projectors? Seen them live? The specs look awesome and the price isn't too bad. Other suggestions for pj's in $2000-$2500 range? Thanks.
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AfterDawn Addict
28. May 2004 @ 17:19 |
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Hi, are you referring to both of these projectors, because they are both over $5,000:
Mitsubishi XD300U:
Mitsubishi XD350U:
IN the price range you are talking about, the two very highly rated projectors by everyone are the Panasonic PT-L500 (PT-AE500) and the Sanyo PLV-Z2. Both projectors are very similar in specifications, though the Sany is slightly more expensive, i personally thought that the Panasonic had a better picture quality once calibrated. I tested both and bought the Panasonic and i highly recommend it as will any other Panasonic owners.
You might want to look at these following projectros as well:
BenQ PB7200:
BenQ PB8220:
NEC LT10: - very good projector specification
Toshiba TDP-P5:
Or if you want something in the same price range as the forementioned Mitsubishi projectors, then i would suggest you have a look at these models:
Optoma H76
The Optoma H76 is the projector i would get over any other one. It is absolutely amazing in quality of the image, super contrast and superb all round WXGA picture.
Also, look at the Optoma H56, another really amaxing value projector:
Optoma H56:
You can get it for $3200 from www.coleprojectors.com, though if you email them they might do it for the $3000 spot on. If you can stretch your budget to this, then i really really cant stress how good a projector it is. I demoed one in the UK here, but its a lot more expensive over here unfortunately.
28. May 2004 @ 17:28 |
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Those are the models I was looking at and they aren't that much over here. They are going on ebay for $2,500 or so NIB.
Am I missing something?
Thanks for the info. on the others...time for more research I guess!
AfterDawn Addict
28. May 2004 @ 19:13 |
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To be truthful, you are not missing anything, i just hadnt realised that ProLightWorks were doing such great deals on them. If they are the type of projection system you are looking for, then go for them, because i know someone who has one. However, they are not ideal for Home Cinema, rather for Business and presentation use.
However, if i were you i would really go for this one:
I did many weeks research on projectors and that was the one i decided upon. Unfortunately i had problems with getting one in from US to UK without paying nearl $1500 custom fees, so i had to get a Panasonic from Germany instead. I would really really go for that model, or if you can stretch the budget a bit, the H76 with teh new HD2 DLP chip:
28. May 2004 @ 19:28 |
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The XD300u was already stretching my budget, but thanks for the other links, wow, do those look impressive.
I am a little worried about the 2x color wheel in the XD300u. Any thoughts, suggestions? Thanks again.
AfterDawn Addict
29. May 2004 @ 04:35 |
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Yeah, this is the system used in the Mitsubishi:
0.7" single DLP? chip with double data rate (DDR); R,G,B,W color wheel (W-63 type)
So its a 2x 4 Colour Segment wheel. That means that there is a chance of getting eye strain or rainbow effect from it. I tend to prefer the colour wheel, if it has 4 segments, to be atleast 2.5x to be sure.
In the price range you are looking at, i think it would be best to stay away from DLP technology. Although it is a great technology, you really need to be getting into the higher specified models to get the full benefit of it, like the Optoma H56/76. Faster colour wheels, better chips and more colour segments are a must. Take the Marantz $30,000 3 chip DLP projector - it is absolutely amazing, as is the $8,000 version with one chip.
My honest advice would be to stick to LCD in the Panasonic and Sanyo models mentioned. You can get the PT-L500 Panasonic for less than $2,000 and u will be very pleased with it. Trust me, i have it :-D
30. May 2004 @ 04:24 |
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I have seen and read probably everything on both the LCD pjs you mentioned and they do look/sound great.
I main problem is that I want light in the room when the pj is on. I have a pretty large ranch finished basement and the kids like to play downstairs. I can easily control the light over and around the pj/screen, but there will be light on in the general area. Getting to my concern, the low lumens of both those LCDs.
Additionally, I have read several complaints that LCDs color will really start to deteriorate after so many hours. ie. There will be more/less red on the left side of the screen. Any problems with this yet? As always, thanks for the advice.
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AfterDawn Addict
30. May 2004 @ 08:23 |
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LCD's do deterioate, as do colour wheels on DLP, but for LCD, your talking a long time before you have any problems. I have over 200 hours on mine with no difference at all in quality. I have a friend who sold his recently to get a Marantz system and he had just over 2000 and i had watched it loads of times and saw nothing that would suggest more of a certain colour.
With all LCD's, this does eventually happen, You can combat it by adjusting the levels manually using a calibration disc, but really your talking years down the line. Another problem could be dust spots on the LCD pannels, since there is no way to prevent dust getting into them. My last Projector had two noticeable dust spots after about 1000 hours, but it wasnt a problem while viewing movies.
If you can control the light around the Projector and Screen, then that would be a big bonus. However, all Home Cinema projectors work better in a darkened environment, as do most TV's. Remember that 850 Lumens on an LCD is roughly equivalent to 1050 Lumens on a DLP. LCD's are naturally brighter. If you want a birghter LCD projecotr, have a look at the one below. However, it is worth noting that the brighter the image, the less contrast you can achieve, so its a pay-off between the two.