problems w/ 007 everything and tomorrow
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9. June 2004 @ 17:42 |
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I copied "007 everything or nothing" and it plays, but when i'm about to start the 3rd level it freezes while loading. I always use Nero Express to back up my games and never had this problem, i'm new to this so i would appreciate any kind of help or comment i could get.
I would also like some tips on games that might give me problems in he future. thanx
AfterDawn Addict
9. June 2004 @ 22:59 |
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are you using swapmagic to boot your backup? did you use cd loader?
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10. June 2004 @ 16:06 |
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Yes, I used swapmagic to boot my back up. now about the cd loader, I have no idea what that is.
Junior Member
1 product review
10. June 2004 @ 17:46 |
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cdloader is for EA games plus others that have loading problems, it can be found at just download the file for 007 and burn to a cd, then follow these instructions:
to use cd loader with 007
1)Insert swap magic cd
2)Then Swap To CD Loader And Hit x
3)hit eject and put in swap dvd and press x
4)screen say swap by ea method use slide card/fliptop and insert bond
5)press x ,enjoy
This works on Madia as well.
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11. June 2004 @ 17:40 |
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Thank u for ur help but I have one more question, I also have problems w/ soul calibur II but as I read on previews posts I gotta get a fix for it too, The question is, do I need to dl a diff fix for each game I have problems w/ or the same cdloader fil will work for all of them?
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11. June 2004 @ 17:49 |
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I forgot something, just in case u should know I have a PS2 V4 or v5 one of them two
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11. June 2004 @ 18:06 |
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I'm sorry, i feel like such a bother, How do I burn the cdloader using Nero and what file i need to put in the cd?
Junior Member
1 product review
12. June 2004 @ 07:17 |
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Hi, not sure about soul calibur i think cdloader should work on it as it works on all games that i couldnt load, as for burning cdloader yes Nero can be used, just choose create a data disc and then select file required, burn disc at no more than 4x speed, but cant remember which file it is, just try both and see what happens, sorry i cant remember, but good luck.
12. June 2004 @ 21:54 |
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About Soul Caliber 2, I am having the same prob. but www.swapmagicfix will tell you exactly what download u need to use before actually putting in the game.
AfterDawn Addict
12. June 2004 @ 23:48 |
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if you have a v1-6 ps2 then you only need the orignal cd loader the one for the version 1-6 ps2 for all the games that need the cdloader fix.if you have a v7+ then get cdloader burn cdloader in Nero 6 load up Nero burning rom close the new compilation window go to the top menu's and click on recorder(4th from left)and select burn image browse to where the file is saved then select it(either the iso or the cue file)then click open select a burn speed of 4x and make sure finalize is ticked then select burn
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13. June 2004 @ 06:44 |
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Thanx, u guys r really helpful, i'm set to go now.