Your problem with using backup games with HDLoader...... well here's some tips for installing\copying\burning successful PS2 backups:
Alcohol 120% is the best program for PS1 and PS2 backups. Unfortunately, this program is now illegal in the USA, but i still use it to make backups of my own bought games. The backups work great if you have a good modchip installed. And yes, the backups work on HDLoader, when installed to a harddrive. Just search on google or kazaa for alcohol 120% and download it. Ive been using a non-cracked trial of it, works great.
If you're going to use HDLoader to install games+play games [duhh], then use a Maxtor or WD [Western Digital] harddrive. Never use a Seagate drive, because most of the time those wont work. Never worked for me for most of my games, and plus dis-recommends them too.
And although hdloader says ur harddrive has to be at least 40 GB, it doesn't. Ive been using an 8 GB Maxtor harddrive for a while, and it works pretty well for me, even tho the drive is really old [like 10 years old or something].
And if you're wanting to know of a good modchip, the following are great: [in order of bestness 1 being best, 3rd being great, but not the best]
1)Matrix Infinity
3)Magic V [i use it in my V9 ps2, works well, tho i wish i didnt have to hold power down half way and then push reset for 2 seconds to play dvd movies or ps1 games]
Matrix Infinity is the best because you just load any fucking game or movie and it works. You don't have to select what mode to load the disks in. And I believe it also turns itself off once a game starts to load.
Ask me if you want more help with ps2 games. the only problem i have with my ps2 is that i cant get a sucessful copy of HDLoader or Codebreaker [only works if modchip is off] to work, but thats cuz they both use weird protections on em. It's weird, cuz I copied action replay max and it works perfectly. hmm
NTSC V9 PS2 chipped w\ Magic V
Network Adapter+9.49GB Harddrive
+HdAdvance[mem card]\HdLoader[disk]+snes station and other goodies
Am going to buy a Gamecube soon, anybody who wants to sell theirs... Email me -