I read the forums at ps2modz www.alucard.cc
anyway, this is what i did
i made an iso image of the game with dvd decrypter. Then i used apache to extract layer 1 to a folder on my hardrive eg c:\norrath1 and extracted layer 2 to c:\norrath2 .
I then followed the swapmagicfix guide ignoring the missing files and adding the new ones to both BG\DATA folders. I found out that disc 2 doesnt need the 3 gothic2 files so now it can fit onto dvd-r, however, the swap point is a bit different. After you kill lord vanarhost, go back to the first level of his castle, save, swap disc, and continue from there.
Here a list of the files that i think need to be copied from the norrath1 folder to the second folder.
Files copied from norrath2 to norrath1
Files to be moved (i.e cut and paste) from norrath2 to norrath1
After You have copied/moved these above files to the appropriate places, copy the rest of the folders and files(not the \bg\data files) from the norrath1 folder to the norrath2 folder(dont forget the 0MOD folder in \BG\ in norrath1). Now you should have two folders (One for each disc) ready to be made in $ony cd\dvd generator.
note: You dont have to have 2 separate folders, you could just make the 2 dvds in $onycd\dvd generator from one folder to save harddisk space, 2 folders just makes it easier.
i Assume that you have the knowledge and know how to backup the US version.(search forums)
by the way, i think that there are dvd-9 check in the game, so the game might freeze when you are playing when it scans for a file that is not there. Some people are trying to find a way to remove this, youll have to search on ps2modz about it.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. July 2004 @ 03:12