1) whats the easiest program to burn ps2 games? and for dvd movies?
2) whats the difference between silver and purple ps2 games? so the purple one i could just burn with normal cdr?
3) does nero works? i tried burning a dvd movie with nero and it says copyright won't allow it..
4) how does a modified ps2 work? after the chip is installed.. i could play copied games like normal games right? and how come i heard that after modifing a ps2, the ps2 will not read dvd movies?
5) do i use dvd+r or dvd-r? or does it even matter?
6) burn an exact copy of the ps2 game and put it in and play right? no need to add patches or anything like that?
i did a couple of searches but i couldn't find an exact answer to my questions.. thanks for your help in advance..
1. DVD Decrypter for games, DVD Shrink for movies
2. silver = dvd, purple = cd
3. use DVD Shrink to rip and compress, then burn with nero
4. yes, you play copied games just like normal ones with a modded ps2. And the ps2 will still read dvd movies.
5. if you have a newer ps2, it doesn't matter, otherwise use -r (and DONT use cheap media).
6. no patches needed (that was just for the first wave of mods).